Addressing the needs of an ageing population

Posted on: March 28, 2019

Content from Essex Future News

Leaders united at the Essex Assembly on 5 March to participate in future needs planning to support people to enjoy life long into old age.

Delegates participated in workshops to; tackle avoidable physical and mental illnesses; promote independence through innovation; support carers; design healthy places; prevent isolation; increase employment opportunities; encourage learning and; adopt a whole system leadership approach to effecting sustainable change.

More than 130 attendees heard from the Assembly’s first ever expert panel, hosted by Cllr John Spence, Chair of the Essex Health and Wellbeing Board. The panel provided some insight into how the many and changing needs of our ageing population can be addressed to support citizens in relation to employment expectations, social care, active communities and education, to enable independent, healthy, safer lives.

A number of recommendations including; pursuing an Essex Charter Mark for employers; supporting recruitment into old age; and evaluating the impact of technology to support independence into old age, will be taken forward to the Essex Strategic Coordination Group.

You can read the highlights, actions and recommendations from the workshops, as well as view the Q&A from the Expert Panel here.

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

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