Update on the Southchurch Project – Life East

Posted on: November 5, 2020

Please see below the updated Life East Project for Southchurch, you can read it in full here.

We had proposed the introduction of 2 news outlets in the form of newspaper and spoken word, no longer feasible so scrapped. We had an initiative called SWAT, which has been rebranded Community Ambassadors. Connected Vision has a 2 level strategy now. Our SoHo initiative, regarding housing strategy, has been scrapped. We had a meeting with the company concerned and the concept is not transferrable and wouldn’t work, it would create issues we weren’t looking for.

New to Life East 2 are Carries Outreach, Get Together, IntegrityConcept Southchurch, which is our most ambitious plan, Village Square DealsTwenty Minute NeighbourhoodHuman CoOperative and FrostBite. Space @ The Beach has been rethought.

We have continued to work on our initiatives since August, but have been bound by restrictions. Please email us if you have any specific concerns you would like us to help with. We are currently in dialogue with the council regarding fly-tipping issues along Southchurch Road and continue to work with Community Police teams over a number of concerns.

We await funding for our website to be created and are working with the Essex Chambers of Commerce to achieve this aim. We still are scheduled for our AGM next March or April but once we have a clearer picture as to the situation we will confirm dates. We are looking for people to join us as part of the Foundation and Development Committee as Divisional Secretaries and Co-Ordinators.

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

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