Charity Risk Assessment Briefing

Posted on: November 19, 2020

This session has been designed to help explain what insurance requirements community groups, small charities and not for profits should consider, how an insurance policy would work, what are the most important elements of covers needed and what kind of claims could be brought against them.


The presentation will also include practical tips on how groups can understand their risk, measure it and mitigate against it, linking to the recently developed risk assessment templates.

Learning outcomes – At the end of this session, attendees will be able to:

  1. Understand what charity insurance consists of
  2. What considerations to make when purchasing an insurance policy
  3. What claims could be brought against a charity of any size and the costs that may be faced without an insurance policy
  4. How to identify and understand a charity’s risk
  5. How to mitigate against the risks a charity faces
  6. How to protect trustees

Book your tickets now.

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

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