Shaping a New Future for Community Health and Wellbeing in North East Essex

Posted on: August 22, 2022

An Introduction to Neighbourhood Working in North East Essex

The ‘Neighbourhoods Programme,’ is an exciting new way of working collaboratively between the local voluntary sector, communities, leaders, boroughs and district councils and health and social care.

Six Live Well Neighbourhood Teams will be created and developed in Colchester South, Central and North and Tendring West, East and South. The Live Well Neighbourhood Teams will be able to support individuals and communities with early interventions, ongoing care and high-level needs in a joined-up way. The aim is to break down barriers and work more closely together to focus on the improved health and wellbeing outcomes for local people.

Colchester Central and South Neighbourhood Teams have already been launched with some encouraging outcomes to date.

A new 12-page citizen facing brochure is about to be launched and some members of the Neighbourhood Team have been out and about supporting some Live Well Events in Colchester. The aim of these events is to engage with local people on the wide range of health and wellbeing services available to them, with the opportunity to meet members of their local neighbourhood team as well as other partners and organisations.

As we progress with the development of the Live Well Neighbourhood teams in North East Essex, there are some real-life case studies emerging which truly show the value and power of integrated neighbourhood working.

Listen to what Dr Sue Pickford has to say about neighbourhood working and how it has benefited her as a GP and her patients, by having access to a wider professional support network here

Download ‘An Introduction to Neighbourhood working in North East Essex’ here

A new citizen facing brochure has also been produced and is available to download here – Please contact Sonia Shelcott at Community360 if you require any printed versions

For more information on the programme

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

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