Be Well & Age Well Fund Launch Meeting

Posted on: December 15, 2022

Be Well & Age Well Fund Launch Meeting

One Colchester Hub, 4-6 Long Wyre Street

On Monday 16th January 2-4pm, C360 will be co-facilitating a meeting with the Be Well (£150,000) & Age Well (£167,000) domains to launch a fund totalling £317k aimed to address key priorities:

Be Well

Outcome : Adults are empowered to make health lifestyle choices.

Funding Criteria: Physical activity in men aged 30-50 (linked to higher men suicide rates).

Cost of Living Support – healthy, affordable and sustainable eating.

Age Well

Outcome: For people to live as safely and independently as possible as they grow older

Funding Criteria:

  • Improve levels of physical activity in older adults >65
  • Improve outcomes for carers – specifically advocacy and/or respite
  • Cost of living – specifically support for vulnerable older adults to deal with practicalities
  • Improve mental health for older adults >65

The meeting will start at 2pm and will close at 4pm including time for networking.

The session will be interactive with an opportunity to hear from the Be Well & Age Well Domain followed by a networking session.

One Colchester, the local strategic partnership for the Borough, is holding £317,000 for distribution in Colchester over the next two years.  The same figure is being held by Tendring Together whose launch event will take place on the same day 10am-12pm please contact [email protected] for more details. C360 and CVS Tendring are providing administrative support for managing the fund and supporting development of applications.  There will be the potential to explore awarding funds to groups working across North East Essex through the collaborative management of the funding.

If you would like to attend the Colchester event, please contact [email protected]  to confirm.  If you would like to be involved but are unable to attend, get in touch and your name will be registered.

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

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