One Week To Go – Demystifying Mental Health Care at the end of life

Posted on: February 15, 2023

Compassionate Tendring network workshop is taking place on Weds 22 Feb at Clacton Town Hall, starting 10am, with refreshments and networking from 9.30am.

We hope that you can make this event that is focussed on Demystifying Mental Health Care at the end of life and includes guest speakers from the SNEE Integrated Care Partnership, Ending Life’s Taboos, Improving Access to Psychological Therapies and Mind.

The poster below and attached describes what you can expect from Compassionate Tendring workshops + future workshop dates.

Compassionate Tendring is a collaborative network that includes residents, organisations, groups, businesses and service providers, who come together to learn from each other and help improve end of life care for everyone. We support kindness, compassion, and a belief that everybody has a role to play in caring for one another at times of health crisis and personal loss.

Please let me know if you can make it and haven’t already accepted via the calendar invite – and please do share with anyone else who has an interest in helping improving end of life care in North East Essex.

For more information about Compassionate Communities see our  Compassionate Communities NEE February Newsletter including details of FREE Compassionate Conversations awareness training.

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

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