
This is where we’ll post third sector news and important updates that are useful for your organisation.

Essex Shed donations

Donations of Tools & Materials
We are always grateful to receive donations of unwanted/unused tools or surplus materials for Sheds; if you or someone you know are having a garage or shed clear out do please get in touch- we will come and collect from any address in Essex! Any tools that are unsuitable for Men’s Sheds will be passed to Tools With A Mission for refurbishing and shipping to third world countries.

Contact Matt Hume, Shed Development Officer on 07935 216808 or email [email protected]

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

Briefing note: Essex Compact Steering Group

Sarah Troop, MDCVS Director

The Essex Compact Steering Group met on the 13 th February 2020. The meeting focused on finalising the details for the planned Research Initiative being led by the steering group to begin to understand the role and influence of the Compact and make recommendations for the future.

The work will be funded jointly by Essex Community Foundation and Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and will offer a tender opportunity to VCS, statutory and research organisations.

The documents relating to the tender opportunity are being finalised with the intention that they are circulated in early March. They will be cascaded through ECVS, the Essex Alliance and other channels available to the Steering Group. There will be a 3 week window for expressions of interest followed by shortlisting and panel interview.

The Steering group agreed in light of the timescales for the Research Initiative to move the Forum and AGM from the current date in March to early November to allow for completion of the work and the steering group to present findings, recommendations and next steps to wider partners.

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

Everything is awesome

Content from the Future of Essex newsletter

Many people assume that Data Analysts don’t like talking to people, but ecda’s Project Lead; ECC’s Intelligence Manager Tom Aldworth, claims he’s not like other analysts in his account on working for the Essex Centre for Data Analytics, where he encourages everyone to be bold and celebrate what we’re good at.

“If I had a pound every time someone said to me “Tom, working in the partnership space must be very exciting and fun and you must love it”, I wouldn’t be all that much richer. That’s why I’ve decided to write a blog about it.”

Read Tom’s blog here and sign up to receive the latest ecda Insight Blog.

If you’d like to join Tom and meet Data Analysts and Data Scientists from ECC, health, Fire, University of Essex, Police and partners across Essex, join us at the next Be Part of the Equation network meeting on 26 March 2-4.30pm to be held in Chelmsford. Register your interest by emailing [email protected]

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

More insight coming soon…

Content from the Future of Essex newsletter

2020 is certain to be a year of action for ecda with several of our key projects due to deliver insight.

From new projects including avoidable A&E attendance and homelessness, to providing additional insight on escalating domestic abuse, youth violence and vulnerability, county lines and knife crime, ecda will continue to provide a data analytics service that enables partners to safely share data and deliver actionable insight that informs early intervention and preventative services across the county.

Initial insight recently generated on mental health crisis has helped ECC Commissioners to identify where there are crossovers between mental health, social care and drug and alcohol services. To further support agency collaboration, the work is expanding to include EPUT data. The ambition is to design an early warning system that identify opportunities to intervene earlier and prevent our most vulnerable citizens reaching crisis.

We’ll keep you posted as our work continues to develop, you can subscribe to our blog or contact us for more information at any time by emailing [email protected]

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

Data for Good: Come with challenges, leave with solutions

Content from the Future of Essex newsletter

The Essex Centre for Data Analytics and DataKind are teaming up to help community and voluntary sector organisations discover what’s possible when it comes to data.

If you’re wondering how data can drive better outcomes for the communities you serve or what more you could do with the information your organisation holds to solve the county’s shared challenges, then the Data for Good event is for you!

We’re ready and willing to commit our knowledge, energy and enthusiasm – free of charge – to use data science for social good. All we ask for in return is your time and an open mind – you don’t need to be a data guru – just join us on 25th February 2-4pm at Chelmsford Central Baptist Church to share your most difficult challenges and to discover the potential for partnership working.

This event is supported by the Business and Local Government Data Research Centre and the Essex CVS (ECVS) and is for charitable trusts and organisations operating within the Essex community and voluntary sector only. Spaces are limited to 50 (two representatives per organisation) so book now to avoid disappointment.

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

Let’s get physical

Content from the Future of Essex newsletter

ecda is supporting the Essex Local Delivery Pilot (LDP) to identify communities that are at particular risk of escalating levels of inactivity.

ecda has successfully shared the first Let’s Get Physical dashboard with the LDP team. This initial iteration uses Sport England data to highlight areas with inactive communities of people, providing both the LDP and Sport England with their first round of actionable insight to inform commissioning decisions.

By providing a detailed picture of the communities that do not currently participate in 30 minutes of physical activity per week, and a greater understanding as to why, ecda will enable Active Essex to deploy targeted resources to those communities most in need in Colchester, Tendring and Basildon and reduce associated health risks such as obesity, mental health issues, and social isolation.

We are currently restructuring data to share a live dashboard with the LDP and Sport England, with a future ambition to share more widely with key partners.

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

Young people creating insight led engagement campaign on violence and vulnerabilities

Content from the Future of Essex newsletter

A new insight-driven behaviour change campaign to help prevent the exploitation of young people in Essex is currently in development with 11-16s across the county as part of a multi-agency project led by the Violence and Vulnerability Unit.

The campaign has been informed by insight generated by the Essex Centre for Data Analytics (ecda) as part of its youth violence and vulnerability work, and has been bolstered by additional in-depth citizen research conducted by Essex County Council.

This strategic partnership between ECC, PFCC, VVU, ecda, Southend and Thurrock Councils, education, health and the voluntary sector is the first example of evidence-led multi-agency public engagement work within the county, and a great example of how ecda’s work is impacting whole system transformation targeted on delivering early intervention and preventative action within our communities.

Young people are shaping the video content at the heart of the campaign, which will be previewed at the PFCC Conference on 13 March and will go live at the end of the month. Creative production agency Raygun has been commissioned to produce content for the campaign and is working with young people to ensure the film is authentic and rooted in their world. ecda and ECC will host a workshop at the PFCC conference to share learning around this new approach to insight-led citizen engagement.

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

Why Volunteer?

This week, we’ve been discussing the benefits of volunteering, for the volunteer. These could include:

  • Time Credits / Time Banking
  • Giving back to, or improving, the local community
  • Work experience or improving your CV
  • Feel-good factor
  • Increase your confidence or self-esteem
  • Learn new skills

What do you think are the key benefits? To have your say, email us at [email protected] or join our Facebook group – Essex Charity Chat.

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

SELEP Social Enterprise Prospectus

As you are aware SELEP (in collaboration with SEEE) has produced a Prospectus for the Social Enterprise sector (see below).  Over the next few months there will a soft launch of this including at ESEN’s next networking event on the 10 February.

SELEP have asked us to advise them of any other events that are taking place over the next few months that can be utilised to launch the Prospectus and or the social enteprise sector.  Moreover, if there are any communication channels that can be used to promote the Prospectus?

Can you let me know if you are aware of any such events and if you are willing to share information about the prospectus through your networks (newsletter, Twitter etc) . Hopefully there will be an online readable version available soon, there are case studies as well as a powerpoint presentations.  Can you let me know details about any potential events or about any communication channels that can be used.

The prospectus identifies 5 themes: Promoting social enterprise, business support, market building, investment, social impact.  A matrix has been developed to look at the implementation of these themes.  The matrix has a section for each themes as follows:

  • Aim – This is an overarching aim within a theme
  • Objective – These are key objectives towards meeting the aim
  • Actions – These are actions that need to be taken to meet the objectives
  • Activities – These are specific activities that we propose to carry out

Can  you let me now if you would like me to include anything in this matrix.  This might be something that you are doing already or it might something that you feel is needed for the social enterprise sector.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Elaine McCorriston
Social Enterprise East of England
[email protected]

Social Enterprise: A Prospectus

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News