
This is where we’ll post third sector news and important updates that are useful for your organisation.

Breathing new life into dormant trusts

Original content from Essex Community Foundation

Community Foundation’s across the UK are working with the Charity Commission to reinvigorate trusts that may have become dormant or are not achieving their full potential.

Trustees are encouraged to contact their local community foundation if they are struggling to spend their income, find beneficiaries or recruit new trustees.

To read the article, click here. To discuss how ECF can work with trustees of existing trusts to award grants in line with original objectives, please call us on 01245 355947.

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

Join our Steering Group!

This is an exciting time for us, as we look to publicly launch The Essex Map and review how we work with charities, social enterprises, and community and voluntary organisations across the county.

To help us maximise our effectiveness, we are currently looking for people with a passion for connecting communities in Essex to join our Steering Group.

If you’d like to join us, and help shape how we build our community of communities, please complete the form below. Once completed, this will be reviewed by our existing Steering Group members at our next meeting on 6th August 2019.

Application Form

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

Add Your Listing to The Essex Map

The Essex Alliance are proud to announce that we have launched The Essex Map – a community asset map of our county.

The Essex Map is designed to give our local residents a better understanding of the services available across our county, and help them to connect with these services. Users can search by location, category, and keyword tag to discover the wide variety of charities, social enterprises, community groups, and venues available to them.

As a member organisation of The Essex Alliance, we would like to invite you to add your listing(s) and showcase the work you are doing in Essex. You can add as many listings you like, and manage them from a single login – meaning it’s easy to keep all of your details up-to-date.

To add your listing, please visit The Essex Map website and follow the steps below:

Add Your Listing

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the details of your service, including up to 15 keyword tags that people might use to search for your service (e.g. ADHD support)
  3. Click “Save and Preview” to see how your listing will look
  4. If you would like to alter any details, click “Edit Listing” to go back to the previous screen
  5. If you are happy with your listing, click “Submit Listing”
  6. Your listing will then be reviewed by one of our team, and you will receive an email once your listing is live on the website

If you have any questions regarding The Essex Map, including advice on how to make the most of your listing, please do not hesitate to email us.

We hope that you will find The Essex Map to be a useful promotional tool for your organisation, but if you have any suggestions on how we can further improve this service please email us.


Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

OPFCC Delivering Through Partnerships

Original content from Essex Future News

The recent Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Conference – Delivering through Partnerships – shone the spotlight on the breadth of partnership work making communities safer.

A focus on gangs and vulnerability, community safety and diversionary programmes provided hard-hitting insight for the more than 200 delegates attending.

The PFCC for Essex, Roger Hirst, told emergency service personnel, MPs and representatives from local authorities, town and parish councils, health, education, voluntary, the business sector and community organisations that by working together on intervention programmes, they are making a difference.

Exhibition stands, and an array of lightning talks introduced a number of partnership interventions taking place; The Essex Centre for Data Analytics; The Horizon Project by Phoenix Futures; Challenging Myths / Changing Attitudes in Thurrock; Street, Rail, School Pastors; Sensory Services; and Safe, Well and Secure by Essex County Fire and Rescue Service.

Delegates had the opportunity to take part in a programme of workshops, including a Designing Out Crime session – delivered in partnership by Essex Police and Essex Partners as part of the Essex Communities programme. Delegates were challenged to take a whole system view to the decisions made as part of the planning process now, that would reduce crime for future generations.

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

Essex Assembly: A date for your diary

Original content from Essex Future News

The next Essex Assembly will take place on Tuesday 17 September 2019.

We’ll be exploring how together the Essex system can unite behind a sense of identity and strengthen communities through participation.

Citizens from across Essex will share their views on; how they identity with Essex; relationships within their communities; and building trust with the public sector. Their views will be captured by the ‘in conversation with…’ programme that is taking place this Summer when senior leaders will be out and about in Essex talking to citizens.

Attendees at the September Essex Assembly will also shape plans to celebrate the county’s rich history of achievement through the lens of Essex 2020 and engage citizens in the Future of Essex narrative.

Hold the date 17 September, 12-4.30pm Chelmsford City Racecourse. Invitations will be issued shortly. For more information email [email protected]

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

Essex Centre for Data Analytics launches

Original content from Essex Future News

The Essex Centre for Data Analytics (ecda) launched on Wednesday 26 June, providing public services in the county with a data sharing platform, sustainable data infrastructure and the expertise to safely share and analyse data to better understand the challenges we face.

Essex County Council, Essex Police and the University of Essex have successfully driven the delivery of Essex Data over the past three years. This pilot programme paved the way for ecda by establishing collaboration between data experts, elected members, decision makers and communities to share data to create powerful insight on some of our most challenging issues, such as escalating domestic abuse, school readiness, gangs, violence and vulnerability.

The insight has provided compelling evidence enabling us to make decisions together with communities about how we plan, design and deliver services to achieve maximum impact and action.

With a focus on prevention, ECC, Essex Police and the University of Essex have agreed a series of shared projects for ecda for 19-20 that will deliver actionable insight on issues such as homelessness, mental health, avoidable A&E attendance and physical inactivity. The potential to integrate intelligence within policy decisions across a range of economic and social issues is significant and ecda is encouraging partners to get involved in existing and future projects by contacting [email protected] 

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

Find a skilled media volunteer

Sign up to MediaTrust’s free online Volunteer Platform to gain access to media and creative industry volunteers. Once registered you can request a volunteer to support your charity with your specific marketing and communications needs.

You can check out what other charities are seeking help with by visiting the MediaTrust current opportunities webpage.

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News, Opportunities

Connecting and cutting through complexity

Original content from Essex Future News

In a county the size of Essex, it is easy to find ourselves operating in isolation. Even when we are working with our partners we can simply be operating in a slightly larger silo.

That is where the Essex Strategic Coordination Group (ESCG), which I am pleased to chair, can be a great help to partners across Essex.

The group provides a forum for connecting key pieces of work across partnerships, organisations and geographical boundaries.

It aims to cut through some of the complexity of the various boards and groups in Essex and to help transform partnership strategy into local delivery.

Last year we played a key role in the linking the Future of Essex projects with each other and identifying and overseeing a series of deep dives into strategic needs.

However, I believe the biggest achievement of the group was the role it played in the development of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. By connecting partners from across the system including those outside a health and care setting we were able to create a strategy that sets out a shared approach to improving the lives of people in Essex. It was a real demonstration of the benefits of breaking down silos.

The challenge for the year ahead is to drive forward delivery of work such as this, and support local action to achieve our shared ambitions for Essex.

Ian Davidson, CEO Tendring District Council, Chair of ESCG.

Over the next few months ESCG will focus on:

  • Improving partnership working – building on what works, sharing best practice and identifying the gaps
  • Supporting the delivery of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
  • Supporting the priorities of the Essex Chief Executives Association including
  • Reducing Violence and Vulnerability
  • Growth and Infrastructure
  • Tackling Inequality

If you would like to bring any items for discussion to the meeting or just attend and hear what partners across Essex are doing, please contact [email protected]

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

#LGE2019 community set new systems challenge

Original content from Essex Future News

From saving lives to building communities, the 46 leaders from across Essex public services who make up the latest cohort of Leading Greater Essex already have a wealth of learning among them.

Setting aside ballot boxes, care plans and myriad calls for their attention, the new group met for the first time on Tuesday 7 May to form a new Leading Greater Essex community (#LGE2019).  Exploring their shared experiences they considered how learning can help leadership in complex organisations and further ignited their shared curiosity about how they can think and do differently as part of their #LGE2019 learning journey.

Gavin Jones, Chief Executive of Essex County Council welcomed the new #LGE2019 cohort to the complex world of whole systems leadership, and encouraged them to challenge themselves, their organisations, and the senior leaders they work with, by “holding up a mirror to us all”, as they embark upon a year of learning together.


Author: Steering Member
Categories: News