Originally published by charitytimes: www.charitytimes.com
Written by Lauren Weymouth
The Charity Commission has published new guidance for charities, urging them to ensure any close relationships with non-charitable organisations are made clear to the public.
It comes amid concerns that some relationships between charities and non-charities have damaged public confidence in charity, the regulator said.
Charities are being told to ensure people outside of their charity understand the relationship with non-charitable organisations is not used to advance non-charitable agendas and interests.
The Charity Commission said its casework identified examples where charities have not managed their links to non-charitable organisations with care, in some cases allowing charities to be misused to further non-charitable interests, including commercial or private interests.
It said whilst it recognises that many charities work successfully in close partnership with a wide variety of non-charitable organisations, such as trading subsidiaries, the guidance is designed to help charities reap the benefits whilst also managing the risks carefully.
The guidance will also allow it, and the public, to better hold charities to account against existing rules, the regulator added.
The new guidance draws together relevant law and practice in setting out six principles to help trustees ensure their arrangements for working with a linked body secure the charity’s interests and independence.
Commenting on the guidance, Charity Commission CEO, Helen Stephenson said: “As regulator, we want charities to thrive and inspire trust, and we know relationships with non-charitable organisations can help a charity deliver on its purposes. But operating alongside other organisations should always be well-considered and trustees must manage the risks that can arise carefully, and with probity.
“Charities hold special status in society and the public rightly have high expectations of them, including that they are driven only by their charitable mission and purpose and that they work to defend and promote their independence from non-charitable organisations at all times.
“No charity should ever use or be used by non-charitable organisations to pursue uncharitable interests.”
The guidance is available on gov.uk and includes an infographic and checklist to help trustees check and review their approach.
The Essex Strategic Co-ordination Group (ESCG) has been working hard over the past two years to facilitate whole-system working, foster collaborative relationships and support Essex Partners, and the Essex Assembly to deliver the county’s ambitions set out in The Future of Essex.
Chaired by Ian Davidson, CEO Tendring District Council and Chair of Safer Essex, the ESCG plays a key role in joining up countywide strategies and work delivered in partnership by capturing and disseminating system learning; identifying and addressing barriers to whole system working; and facilitating and promoting engagement and communication.
With representatives from health, Local Authorities, voluntary and community sector, Police, OPFCC and Essex County Fire and Rescue Services, the Group proactively develops links to, and improves integration with, formal partnership bodies throughout Essex.
ESCG has played a role in developing the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, overseeing the JSNA, and supporting the delivery of the eight Future of Essex projects
The group is currently seeking additional representation on the group from health and economic growth partners. Meetings are held every eight weeks, if you would like to join the group, submit items for the agenda, or would like more information on the group please contact [email protected]
Leaders united at the Essex Assembly on 5 March to participate in future needs planning to support people to enjoy life long into old age.
Delegates participated in workshops to; tackle avoidable physical and mental illnesses; promote independence through innovation; support carers; design healthy places; prevent isolation; increase employment opportunities; encourage learning and; adopt a whole system leadership approach to effecting sustainable change.
More than 130 attendees heard from the Assembly’s first ever expert panel, hosted by Cllr John Spence, Chair of the Essex Health and Wellbeing Board. The panel provided some insight into how the many and changing needs of our ageing population can be addressed to support citizens in relation to employment expectations, social care, active communities and education, to enable independent, healthy, safer lives.
A number of recommendations including; pursuing an Essex Charter Mark for employers; supporting recruitment into old age; and evaluating the impact of technology to support independence into old age, will be taken forward to the Essex Strategic Coordination Group.
A range of national experts are set to join senior leaders in Essex throughout the next six months to consider the implications and opportunities arising from major new developments in the county.
The Essex Communities programme has been commissioned by Essex Partners to engage the system in debate and discussion on the steps that we can take to maximise the economic, community and public health potential of new places.
The programme launched on 5 March with a keynote address to the Essex Assembly on the importance of adopting a whole system approach to designing new communities, collaborating with developers and exploring innovation.
Prof Rachel Cooper, President of the Design Research Society, described the human, material and financial factors that help to determine the success of a place and promote healthy outcomes for future communities. Rachel challenged us all to get involved early on in these discussions, and to be creative in engaging our communities in the design of our future places. You can view Rachel’s slides here
Exploring the potential of technology
The second workshop in the Essex Communities series; The power of technology: what does this mean for public services in new communities? will take place on 25 April, in Chelmsford, facilitated by NESTA. Attendees will explore how technology might shape the planning and design of new communities, and how this might influence future lifestyles, improve outcomes and reshape the relationship between people and public services.
The Essex Communities programme will be delivered during Apr-Sept 2019 to encourage Essex leaders to shape the choices made in designing major new developments to:
Have a positive impact on economic, social and health-related outcomes;
Create opportunities to develop new models of public service delivery; and
Originally published by charitytimes: www.charitytimes.com
Written by Charity Times staff writer
JustGiving has scrapped its 5 per cent fee for charities in the UK, in the company’s biggest model shake-up since inception.
The online giving platform will be completely free for UK charities and will instead rely on voluntary contributions from donors to support the operation of the platform – a move designed to increase choice for donors and income for charities.
JustGiving’s decision follows the removal of platform fees for all crowdfunding, disasters and major incidents, which JustGiving announced in October last year.
“Today, JustGiving is taking an exciting step into the future by removing our platform fee. This change means lower costs for charities, transparency and choice for their supporters, and a sustainable future for the UK’s biggest and best platform for giving,” JustGiving general manager, Keith Williams said.
“We believe that people who donate through JustGiving money will be going to their chosen charity, and by making a voluntary contribution to the UK’s most-trusted giving platform we can continue to help charities and individuals raise even more money for good causes. That’s why we’re putting more power in the hands of our donors.”
In October 2018, JustGiving also announced a consultation regarding its Gift Aid reclaim service, which aims to allow charities to save money and time when reclaiming Gift Aid through the platform.
Following the consultation, JustGiving has announced it is changing its terms of service to allow charities to opt out of the Gift Aid reclaim service if they wish.
“JustGiving helps many charities, particularly smaller organisations, to focus their efforts on fundraising rather than on paperwork,” Charity Tax Group finance regulatory and taxes manager, Richard Bray said.
“The Charity Tax Group welcomes this contribution to the charity sector and looks forward to continuing to work with JustGiving to help future-proof Gift Aid as we move into an increasingly digital age.”
Two Alliance Steering Group members - CVS Uttlesford and Maldon and District CVS – were this week shortlisted for an award in the inaugural NAVCA (National Association for Voluntary and Community Action) awards recognising the contribution of voluntary sector infrastructure across the county.
The nomination, which was received in the Collaboration and Partnership category, was in recognition of the strong partnership work that had taken place between the two organisations to set up the Essex Shed Network partnership. The initiative attracted a three-year funding stream from the National Lottery for the development and expansion of Men in Shed projects across Essex.
MDCVS Director Sarah Troop said “I’m immensely proud that Maldon and District CVS and CVS Uttlesford were shortlisted in this category. The fellow nominees are all so impressive so to be recognised alongside them is a great achievement for our small teams.”
CVSU CEO Clive Emmett said “I was extremely pleased to have been shortlisted for these new NAVCA awards and we count ourselves privileged to reach the point we did in the process considering the strong field. I am also very pleased that it was in partnership with our colleagues at Maldon CVS, an organisation we find it very easy to work with collaboratively.”
Read more about the awards, winners and other shortlisted organisations here https://navca.org.uk/navca-awards-winners.
Harwich-based voluntary and community organisations are encouraged to apply for grants.
ECF is pleased to work with a number of local businesses including Galloper Offshore Wind Farm and the Harwich Haven Authority who want to support local projects and activities.
To discuss your funding needs, please call the grants team on 01245 356018.
Originally published by charitytimes: www.charitytimes.com
Written by Lauren Weymouth
The Institute of Fundraising has launched a new diversity ‘access fund’, which is designed to raise £10,000 to fund bursaries for the Fundraising Convention in July.
The fund aims to enable a diverse range of fundraisers to develop their skills and experience by providing bursaries for individuals to attend the IoF event, which is held at the Barbican in London.
The IoF will invite fundraisers who self-identify as BAME (Black, Asian or from a Minority Ethnic background), LGBT+, or disabled to apply from 2 April 2019.
Successful applicants will receive bursaries for travel and accommodation costs, as well as a ticket for one or more days to the convention.
Last year, the IoF awarded bursaries to 23 people who would have otherwise been unable to attend and contribute to Fundraising Convention.
Commenting, IoF chair, Amanda Bringans said: “Our community currently lacks the real diversity it needs to fulfil its potential to support the causes we all care about. This is not only unacceptable but means that we are missing out on so much talent. That’s why we are asking for donations to support the Diversity Access Fund, an early step for us to achieve our ambition of a more equal, diverse and inclusive profession.
“We have already received many generous donations from the fundraising community and hope that with the support of fundraisers, organisations and partners within the sector, we can raise a further £10,000 so that more people from diverse backgrounds can attend Fundraising Convention.”
Originally published by charitytimes: www.charitytimes.com
Written by Kate Collins
Social media platforms can feel overwhelming for the digital novice, but they can also be an excellent way to lead your charity. Kate Collins, winner of this year’s Social Media CEO of the Year Award, talks through some of her top tips for using your personal social media accounts as a way of engaging with staff, communities and beneficiaries – and being a better leader for it.
Give it a go
Social media platforms including Twitter can seem overwhelming and a bit alien. I was wary initially and unsure where to start, but after joining I realised that I had been missing out on so much. Now, Twitter is integral to my way of working – I chat with staff, supporters, peers, sector leaders, opinion formers, and thinkers who inspire me. My advice is to just give it a go and find out what it can offer you – it might not be for everyone, but I can’t imagine doing my role without Twitter now, and that might be something you find too.
Be yourself
Authenticity is key – don’t just make it re-tweets of your organisational content. Being proud of your organisation and sharing content is important, but you also need to say what you think, be you and bring your voice to the conversation. People can clock a template tweet from a mile off – they’re not listening to you for that, they want to get a sense of the person behind the job title.
I use Twitter in a human, playful way – I do love a gif! – and that’s because I love to be a bit playful and have fun when I’m with people in person, so it makes sense to be myself on social media too. Not everyone loves a gif, but I am keen to share a sense of what I’m like as a person and not just a corporate face. Just as I take my ‘whole self’ to work, what you see on Twitter is pretty much what you get in person (although I try not to swear on Twitter and am not as good at that offline). By using Twitter in a way that feels like ‘me’, I’m able to bring my role and the organisation to life – ideally giving people a sense of what I think and feel, how passionate I am about Teenage Cancer Trust and what makes me tick.
I try to amplify positivity on social media whenever I can, cheering on other organisations and sector leaders when they’ve done work that’s inspired me. The more we amplify the great work and people across the sector the better it is for the vital work our organisations do.
Social media is all about conversation and dialogue, it shouldn’t be a one-way street. Being able to engage and acknowledge the incredible community of people who support, or are supported by, Teenage Cancer Trust provides an incredible opportunity for me to be connected to them. I listen to their views on what’s working for them, what’s not, and what they’d like from us in the future. I also take note of any recurring themes and share these insights within the organisation.
Know your audience
It’s so important to understand what the people who follow you engage with and like. I’ve written tweets that I thought would really engage and been greeted with tumbleweed – often they are the things I have thought about too much – so you need to experiment and give things a go. It means you can suss out where you – and your style – can add value on social as a CEO.
Your audience may come from many different walks of life, so it’s vital to draw on your own personal experience to meaningfully engage with all of your followers, not just your peers.
Curiosity is key
Follow people whose opinions can challenge your own and provide a different perspective. Avoid creating an echo chamber as much as you can. It’s good to be curious and helpful to get a holistic view of issues that interest you and are important to your organisation.
Know when to switch off
Know when to turn off. Social media is 24-7 but you don’t have to be. I have a long commute, so am really active on social then and do keep an eye on things over weekends – especially if there are events happening as it’s important for me to engage with supporters in real time, letting them know I am cheering them on virtually if not at an event in person. But likewise, I do delete the app from my phone when on holiday and let people know I’ll be quiet for a bit. It’s important to give yourself a break.
Kate Collins is the chief executive of Teenage Cancer Trust.
Originally published by charitytimes: www.charitytimes.com
Written by Lauren Weymouth
There must be a revolution in the charity sector to ensure it is fit for the 21st Century, feminist activist Esuantsiwa Jane Goldsmith has said.
Speaking at ICSA: The Governance Institute’s annual Charity Governance Conference on Friday 8 March, Goldsmith, who is the director of Anona Development Consultancy, claimed “business as usual won’t do anymore”.
“We are doing our best; but is it fit for the 21st Century?” she told delegates, calling for boards to “be the change we want to see”.
Goldsmith urged boards to be diverse and more inclusive, as well as participatory and active. She said added value and shared leadership are also essential is the sector is to improve.
She added that in order to meet the challenges of the 21st Century, the sector must “respond with imagination and creativity, transformatory leadership, new structures and new ways of working”.
“We have inherited a very special space, very precious, essential to democracy and for citizen’s empowerment, and we should guard it with our lives. Expand it, share power and leadership, champion a new generation. Make it fit for the 21st Century. To do this, we have to be clear about our rootedness, our role, and what we stand for. We need a new narrative, new purposes, different language and fresh concepts.”
She suggested the sector needs to change in the following ways:
• Ditch the notion of ‘charity’ dispensed by the great and the good – and the rich
Become part of an international solidarity movement, of equal partners, led by our values, and by people with lived experience of diversity, poverty and disadvantage.
• Share power
Become powerful by making those around us feel empowered and respected. Seek power with others instead of power over others.
• Diversity literacy
Representative, participatory board members reflecting the societies in which our organisations work.
• Build new relationships
Tear down the distinction between donor and beneficiary; we are all beneficiaries of a better world.
• Speak truth to power
Be bold. Reconnect with our roots. Big up our sector and the people who work within it, build on what we have, standing on the shoulders of giants and amazons.
She also claimed a different vision should be created for the board, which would include not calling it ‘a board’.
“It should be more of a citizens advisory group of critical friends and activists, user-led, accountable, inclusive; a sounding-board if you like,” she said.
She added that sounding-boards will be ‘leaders of change’, playing a strong leadership role in achieving social change by what they do, who they are, what they represent, and their relationship to their organisations.
Furthermore, Goldsmith said there should be new ways of working, such as emphasising teamwork, collaboration and activism. This would incorporate self-care, collective care and self-awareness about the impact we have on others.
Diverse board members is also essential to building better boards, she said, which should be “connected to activism in the local community, reflecting the societies in which we are living and working.”
“Social justice organisations should pay board members an honorarium – otherwise how can ordinary people afford to serve?” she added.
Finally, she stressed boards must “lead by example”, which means being less hierarchical and more responsive, with systems and structures that recognise, respect and work alongside the power of communities.