Essex Savers net Credit Union Limited goes out of business: FSCS to protect 5,000 members
Content from FSCS
The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) has stepped in to protect members of Essex Savers net Credit Union Limited; which has stopped trading and is now in default. This means it cannot re-pay deposits to its 5000 members.
FSCS will compensate the vast majority of members within seven days. Using the credit union’s records, FSCS will send payments out automatically.
Members with up to £1,000 in their account will receive a letter to get cash over the counter at their local Post Office. Anyone with more than this will receive a cheque for their balance direct from FSCS.
For holders of a Child Trust Fund account with Essex Savers net Credit Union Limited, the process for FSCS to reimburse savings is different to that for other account holders. Payment can only be made to an alternative Junior ISA provider. The administrators (CVR Global LLP) will shortly be writing to the registered holders of Child Trust Fund accounts with Essex Savers net Credit Union with further information about this.
FSCS protects up to £85,000 of savings per person – double that for joint accounts. It has come to the aid of more than 4.5m people since 2001, while paying out over £26bn in compensation. FSCS expects the total pay-out for Essex Savers net Credit Union members to be £1.7m.
Mark Oakes, Head of Communications at FSCS, said:
“We are here to protect members of Essex Savers net Credit Union Limited, and we’re ready to help. Your savings are protected up to £85,000, and joint accounts are covered for £170,000. You should get your money back within the week. The process is automatic too, so you won’t have to apply for compensation.”
Read more information on how FSCS helps people with current or savings accounts in banks, building societies and credit unions.
Any queries about Essex Savers net Credit Union Limited can be directed to the administrators, Kevin Murphy, Jason Maloney and Bai Cham of CVR Global LLP by post; c/o 7B Castlegate, York, YO1 9RN; telephone 01245 830520 or email at [email protected]
- For more information on deposits protection please visit our questions and answers page.
- Essex Savers net Credit Union Limited was declared in default on 14 February 2018 with 5,000 members.
- FSCS is the UK’s statutory compensation scheme for customers of authorised financial services firms. FSCS is funded by the financial services industry and protects investment business, deposits, home finance (mortgage) advice, and general insurance and insurance broking. FSCS can pay for financial loss if a firm cannot pay claims against it. We are independent and do not charge individual customers for using our service.
- Before FSCS can declare a credit union in default and pay compensation to its members, it must be satisfied the credit union cannot repay deposits because of its financial circumstances, and has no current prospect of being able to do so.