
This is where we’ll post third sector news and important updates that are useful for your organisation.

The Fat Beehive Foundation – website and digital product grants

The Fat Beehive Foundation is an independent UK registered charity that provides small grants for websites and digital products to other small UK registered charities.

Our aim is to help these organisations carry out their work in a more efficient and effective way, resulting in positive social benefit.

We only fund charities with an average income of less than £400,000 a year. As we aren’t a large funder, we provide highly specialised grants up to £2500 and can’t fund every charity that applies to us – much as we would like to.

Read more here about what projects they support. 

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

DIY SOS – Looking for their next project!

The team at DIY SOS are on the lookout for their next BIG BUILD project!
Do you run a not-for-profit Dance Organisation/Project which supports a local community? If that sounds like you, do you regularly use or own a building that’s in need of renovation? If so, we’d love to hear you from you.
Please get in touch asap at: [email protected]
Any personal information you provide will be held in accordance with our privacy policy:

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Essex Shed Network Project Lead – Maldon CVS

The Essex Shed Network aims to support men in Essex to be more connected with their communities through the growth of Men in Shed projects and associated activities. The purpose of the Shed Project Lead is to support the range of Shed projects across Essex with information and advice and to work with them and other partners to expand the reach, impact and sustainability of Men in Sheds.

The Shed Project lead will also be responsible for gathering impact and monitoring data, supporting the preparation of funding applications and supporting and overseeing the work of other members of the Essex Shed Network team and it’s partners.

Office base in Maldon with some work from home or in the community.

Please view the full Job Description below:

ESN Project Lead

Closing date for applications Friday 12th May 2023, 5pm

Apply here. 

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

The Youth Music NextGen Fund

The Youth Music NextGen Fund offers young creatives grants of up to £2,500 to make their ideas happen.

The Youth Music NextGen Fund is for early-stage musicians and wider music adjacent creatives to invest up to £2,500 in their own projects and make their ideas happen. The fund is especially aimed at those whose lack of finance holds them back from pursuing their goals.

It’s open to 18–25-year-olds (and up to 30-year-olds who identify as d/Deaf or Disabled) who live in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

We want to support the future of the music industries. Singers, Rappers, Songwriters, Producers, DJs, A&Rs, Managers and Agents, right through to roles that have yet to be defined.

Round 6 of the NextGen Fund is now open. Applications will close on Friday 19 May 2023.

NextGen Fund Round 6
Deadline: 19 May 2023
Notification: August 2023

NextGen Fund Round 7
Deadline: September 2023
Notification: December 2023

Apply here. 

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Allocations Coordinator – CARA

Allocations Coordinator – Full-Time or Part-Time

CARA is looking for an Allocations Coordinator to join their team, either full-time (35 hours) or part-time (21 or 28 hours). The post of Allocations Coordinator is a busy, fast-paced position that requires excellent organisational skills. It involves supporting CARA’s counselling team which is currently made up of 14 staff counsellors/therapists and 25 sessional counsellors who provide therapeutic support to CARA clients from premises across mid and north Essex. The role will involve working alongside our existing Allocations Coordinator to arrange and manage appointments, oversee CARA’s counselling waiting lists and undertake general administrative tasks. CARA is looking for someone with a problem-solving mindset who thrives in a busy, challenging and rewarding role.

  • For job description and person specification, click here.
  • For an application form, click here.

Application deadline: 9am, Tuesday 23rd May 2023.
First Interview Date: Thursday 1st June.

This post is restricted to women applicants under the Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9, Part 1.

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Introduction to easyfundraising

Date & Time: Apr 24, 2023 12:30 PM in 
Description: Come along to this informal session to find out how your voluntary group, CIC, social enterprise, church, school, sports club or charity can use the free easyfundraising platform to benefit from unrestricted funding. Becky from easyfundraising will show you how your volunteers, staff and supporters can use the easyfundraising platform to raise donations for free for your organisation when they shop with leading retailers.
What to expect:
• A live demonstration of how the website works
• Instructions on how to get your organisation set up
• Tips on how to raise as much as possible
• A Q&A session with Becky If you would like to set up your free easyfundraising page ahead of this session, you can do that here:

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Stephen Lawrence Day – Saturday 22nd April

On Saturday 22nd April, it was the 30th anniversary of the death of Stephen Lawrence.

The goal of the Stephen Lawrence Foundation is to ensure that the next 30 years look different from the last. They believe that meaningful change starts with tangible actions and are asking as many people as possible to commit to taking one action on Stephen Lawrence Day that will positively impact the lives of young people from marginalised backgrounds so that together, we can honour Stephen’s life and legacy, and build a fairer, kinder and more equitable society in his name.

For more information your organisation can download resources at

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Cost of Living briefing – CAB

Do you want to hear what the latest front-line data from across the Citizens Advice service is revealing about the impact of the cost-of-living crisis?
The service’s monthly cost-of-living data briefings look at the trends whether government interventions are working. Hear from experts both from Citizens Advice and guest speakers as they present and talk to a range of data covering the very latest trends and insight from the Citizens Advice service which, whilst constituted of hundreds of local charities, utilises a shared client database and enquiry coding system.

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Design your own Coronation stamp design! Cathartic CIC

The Coronation of king Charles Ill is taking place on Saturday 6th May and to celebrate this momentous occasion, we are asking everyone to join us and share their creative skills to form a community masterpiece.

Cathartic CIC are asking you to design your own Coronation stamp design! All the designs will come together to form a large digital artwork of THE NEW KING CHARLES I1I DEFINITIVE STAMP, featuring all your amazing designs!

No matter what age or what ability, we want you to come together and take part! 2ND Your drawing will be part of history and
be included in the Big sovereign stamp!

For more information please click here. For your design please click here.

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

DCMS launches programme to help charities win public contracts – Civil Society

A government-funded programme has been launched to help voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (VCSEs) in England bid for and win public sector contracts.

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) today launched the VCSE Contract Readiness programme, which includes a series of online training sessions and webinars for charities hoping to secure local and national government contracts.

DCMS acknowledged that VCSEs face “distinct challenges” when bidding for contracts, adding that it is committed to developing policies and practices to increase their participation.

The programme will be jointly delivered by the School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE), Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) and Voice4Change England (V4CE).

Programme ‘will improve the skills and knowledge of VCSEs’

As part of the programme, charities and social enterprises will be offered a range of webinars, short and long courses which will be delivered by SSE.

Participants can also access an online hub that contains resources on how to engage in public sector procurement.

“The expertise of VCSEs means they are often ideally placed to help create compassionate, responsive and efficient public services,” said Claire Dove, VCSE crown representative.

“The VCSE Contract Readiness programme will help to address some of the barriers that have prevented VCSEs entering the public sector market.

“It will improve the skills and knowledge of VCSEs on how to bid for contracts and provide them greater opportunity to enter public sector supply chains. This in turn gives the government the opportunity of having a diversity of suppliers in its procurement chains.”

DCMS: VCSEs play ‘vital role’ in public service delivery

Last week, DCMS published an action plan detailing how it intends to increase commercial engagement with civil society and address barriers to participation.

It said that VCSEs are in a “unique position to deliver social value in public procurement” and play a “vital” role in public service delivery.

“Central government has committed to diversifying its supply chains alongside ensuring contracts are awarded on the basis of not only price, but also the supplier’s social impact. This not only provides VCSE organisations with the much deserved recognition for their positive contribution to society, but also ensures the additional social benefits that can be achieved in the delivery of contracts are taken into account,” it said.

“DCMS is committed to improving its awareness of VCSEs in its sectors and the markets it purchases from, with the aim of increasing VCSE appetite to participate in procurement bids and reduce barriers to participation.”

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News