
This is where we’ll post third sector news and important updates that are useful for your organisation.

An exciting new fund for charities building fairer communities of the future

We are hosting a webinar from 10am – 11am on Wednesday 23 November for voluntary organisations that want to find out more about unrestricted funding available soon from our new Future Communities Fund.

This is the first fund we’ll launch from our new strategy, Building communities of the future together. This strategy outlines our plan to pioneer a more co-operative way of funding organisations to help create future, fair communities.

Read on to find out more about what we’ll fund, and our eligibility criteria. A link to sign up to our webinar is at the bottom of this page.

Let’s build communities of the future together.

Future Communities Fund

We believe co-operation is at the heart of strong communities and this makes us a different kind of funder.

Our Future Communities Fund will focus on supporting voluntary organisations passionate about helping us achieve our Future Communities Vision, created by young people. This, in turn, will help us deliver on Co-op’s vision of ‘Co-operating for a Fairer World’.

In this first round of funding we’ll look to support organisations building communities that are:

  • Diverse, equitable and inclusive, and
  • Prioritising youth activism, shared power and transparent governance

Our fund will offer unrestricted grants of up to £30,000 per year for up to five years.

Are you eligible?

Eligible charitable organisations will:

  • Have an annual turnover of £250k or less
  • Have young people’s voices from all backgrounds and abilities at the core of their delivery
  • Advocate for diversity and inclusion in all areas of society
  • Actively engage with young people from diverse communities in a meaningful and inclusive way
  • Have experience of removing barriers and providing opportunities to young people
  • Have experience of delivering meaningful youth social action that supports young people into leadership roles
  • Are able to demonstrate they have experience of co-operation/collaboration.

Join our webinar

We’re running a webinar from 10am on Wednesday 23 November where we’ll share more information on our new fund and how to apply. You’ll get to ask questions, too.

Sign up for our webinar. 

If you’re not eligible but know someone who is, please forward on this blog so they can find out more.

Louise Snelders, our Head of Funding and Partnerships, said:

“This new fund comes at an exciting time for us, just after the launch of our new five-year strategy, ‘Building communities of the future together’. As a funder, we want to empower those with the knowledge and skills to create future, fairer communities. Through sharing power and funding flexibly, we hope to make a real impact on their local communities. We encourage everyone eligible and to join our webinar and find out more about the Future Communities Fund.”

We’ll open first round applications for our new fund on Friday 25 November. This will close at 12pm (midday) on Friday 23 December.

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Essex County Council Community Challenge Fund

Application Form
Sometimes it only takes a small amount of money to bring a good idea to life in your community. The Community Challenge Fund is the simplest way to access a small amount of money and make a difference, with awards of between £300 and £5,000.

The Community Challenge Fund forms part of the Council’s commitment to reducing the inequalities between different areas of our County, and Levelling Up Essex.

For more information on the Challenge Fund Criteria, please visit our website: Essex Partnership (

Community Challenge Fund criteria

1. All applications must demonstrate how they support one or more of the following themes :-

  1. Giving everybody a chance to get involved in where they live
  2. Increasing and spreading opportunities
  3. Creating places or spaces where people are happy to spend time
  4. Helping people who experience difficulties in accessing services and/or economic opportunities*
  5. Providing support in rural areas experiencing disadvantage *

*Themes 4 and 5 only apply to applications being made from rural areas of Braintree and replace themes 1-3 

2. Funding must be for a new, not for profit, scheme/group/initiative or idea, and applications must show how their initiative will have long term benefits and longevity.

3. Applications to the Community Challenge Fund can only be made by people who live or work with communities in the areas on the following page (any awards must be used in the same area).

4. Applications that support one or more of the following groups will be looked on positively :-

  1. Children and adults with SEND, learning disabilities, or mental health conditions (taking an all-age approach)
  2. Children on free school meals
  3. Working families
  4. Young adults (16-25) who have not been in education, training or employment for around 6-12 months

Who can apply:
You can apply as :-

  • You (applying as an individual)
  • You and other individuals you are working with (applying as a group)
  • A non-constituted group (small scale voluntary groups who do not have any employees and who do not pay trustees or staff)
  • A Registered Charity, Community Interest Company (CIC) or Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) (where this is a new proposal and not a part of your core business) 

Apply here. 

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Comic Relief Community Fund

The Comic Relief Community Fund is supporting community led organisations with an income of less than £250,000 to deliver projects within four strategic themes.

We are pleased to be managing this new fund on behalf of Comic Relief in England. It will provide grants of up to £10,000, supporting project delivery and organisational capacity building, helping organisations flourish.

The funding is split as follows:

  • Up to £1,000 for capacity building
  • Up to £9,000 for project delivery

We will fund applications from grass roots, community led organisations that can demonstrate how people with lived experience of the issues being tackled are involved in the organisation and the project.

Applications must sit within one of the four key themes:

A Safe Place To Be: Supporting people to rebuild their lives because of homelessness or forced migration.

We want to support projects that help people to recover from homelessness or those who have been forced from their homes to have access to the help they need to start a new life, free from conflict persecution or trafficking.

Children Survive & Thrive: Every child has the right to the best start in life.

We want to support projects aimed for children up to the age of 11 that break the cycle of inequity and inequality. This includes, projects that boost a child’s development, improve access to quality relevant, non-formal education and training, as well as initiatives that protect children from violence, exploitation and abuse and build confidence and belief in their ability to improve their opportunities in life.

Fighting Gender Justice: Supporting safety and equality for women and girls.

We are looking for projects that support people who identify as women and girls to be safe, healthy, educated and independent. This includes initiatives that help women and girls take control over their lives, reduce gender based violence while shifting public attitudes and improving understanding about the influence of gender norms on choices and life outcomes.

Mental Health Matters: Supporting better mental health in your community.

We want to support projects that improve and increase access to mental health support especially for those from marginalised groups. We hope to support alternative, community based approaches. We welcome projects that contribute to change, help shift attitudes and tackle stigma and discrimination.

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Invitation to Demystifying EOL Care in Hospital

You are warmly invited to the latest Compassionate Communities in Tendring network event Demystifying EOL Care in Hospital, which is taking place on Wednesday 23rd November at Clacton Town Hall, from 10am-12noon.

This is part of a series of Compassionate Communities in Tendring events aimed at improving end of life care for everybody through sharing, learning and collaboration. The event is suitable for anyone who has a personal or professional interest in the care provided for people at the end of life and will include presentations and open discussion relating to community led support and acute services, delivered in collaboration with ESNEFT.

Please email [email protected] to confirm your attendance or accept the calendar invitation you may have already received. And please do also share this opportunity to support a Compassionate Community approach in Tendring with colleagues, friends, family. Refreshments included.


  • 09.30 – 10.00: Arrival and refreshments
  • 10.00 – 10.10: Scene setting
  • 10.10 – 10.50: Hospital Community care at EOL
  • 10.50 – 11.20: Hospital Acute care at EOL
  • 11.20 – 11.30: Butterfly Volunteer Service
  • 11.30 – 11.40: Chaplaincy and spiritual care
  • 11.40 – 12.00: What next?
  • 12.00 – Close and refreshments

Future dates

Please do pencil the following dates for future Compassionate Communities in Tendring events:

  • Jan 25 2023, 10-12
  • Feb 22 2023, 10-12
  • Mar 22, 2023, 10-12
  • May 24 2023, 10-12
  • Jun 21 2023, 10-12
  • July 19 2023, 10-12

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Mid and South Essex ICS Micro Grants Fund Communications Toolkit



The Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System (ICS) is a new partnership between the organisations that meet health and care needs across mid and south Essex. They are a partnership of NHS, social care, wider local authority and voluntary services. They plan and deliver joined-up services to improve access and quality and to reduce health inequalities.


The Micro Grants Offer

The Strategy and Partnership Directorate is supporting the four NHS Alliances, working in mid Essex, Brentwood and Basildon, Thurrock and south east Essex, by providing funding to support a wide range of projects and programmes that will tackle health inequalities and the wider determinants of health.

As part of this, there is a desire to offer micro grants between £500 and £1500 to small-scale voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector organisations who wish to undertake projects or initiatives, which address health inequalities and the wider determinants of health.

Micro grants will be made available up to 31 March 2023, and the funds may be spent between November 2022 and October 2023.


Key Messages


  • Micro grants available to support projects to address health inequalities in mid and south Essex
  • The micro grants can be used to make a difference to those who face poor health outcomes


Sample Website/Newsletter Copy


Mid and South Essex ICS

Health Inequalities Micro Grants Fund Now Open


Grants available from £500-£1500


To recognise the incredible contribution by small voluntary and community groups in responding to health inequalities in Essex, the health and care system in mid and south Essex would like to help these types of projects further. 

The Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System is delighted to announce a new microgrant programme, which will support projects or initiatives that address health inequalities and the wider determinants of health within your local area. 

Health inequalities refers to differences and outcomes in the care that people receive and the opportunities that they have to lead healthy lives. 

Health inequalities grants could therefore be focused on reducing differences in:

  • Health status, for example, life expectancy
  • Access to care, for example, availability of given services
  • Quality and experience of care, for example, levels of patient satisfaction
  • Behavioural risks to health, for example, smoking rates
  • Wider determinants of health, for example, quality of housing, employment, environment, training and education 
  • Groups that may experience poorer health outcomes due to:
    • socio-economic factors, for example, income, level of deprivation,
    • geography, for example, region or whether urban or rural,
    • specific characteristics including those protected in law, such as sex, ethnicity, or disability,
    • being socially excluded groups, for example, people experiencing homelessness.


Finer Details:

Grant amount 

£500 – £1,500

Who can apply?

Any small-scale voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector organisations who come together to support tackling health inequalities within the communities across Basildon, Braintree, Brentwood Castlepoint and Rochford, Chelmsford, Maldon, Wickford, Southend and Thurrock.

Annual income must be under £100k per year.


Applications open on 7th November 2022 and will be offered on a rolling basis until 31 March 2023 or until all funds are spent. The panel will aim to meet on a regular basis to make decisions on applications and, therefore, you are encouraged to get your applications in as soon as possible.


All grant spend must take place between November 2022 and October 2023 

How to Apply

[email protected] to request an application form.

Your application will then be reviewed at a panel which takes place once a month, if successful you will be notified and the grant awarded.

Monitoring required 3 months after project start and on completion of project to share outcomes and impact of the project.

If you would like to access support to complete your application, please contact:

[email protected]


Social media posts

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn


Twitter: @MSEssex_ICS | Facebook: MSEICS | Instagram: @MSEssex_ICS


Post 1

Exciting Funding Announcement!

Are you a small charity or voluntary organisation in #Essex with an interest in health?

We are delighted to announce a new micro grant programme to support projects or initiatives which address health inequalities and the wider determinants of health within mid and south Essex.

Apply here:

Post 2

Are you a small charity or voluntary organisation in #Essex with an interest in improving the health of local residents?


Have you applied yet for the health inequalities micro grant?

Your project could earn you up to £1500 of funding 


Apply now:



Social media asset attached


Distribution Channels:

Please cascade via any:

Organisation E-Newsletters

Social Media Channels


Email to Organisations Funding Networks Groups

Partner Newsletters

Local Media Contacts


*Community360 will cascade via the MSE Communications Group


For any queries contact:

Sonia Shelcott

[email protected]


Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

InterAct Training

2 day MHFA Training 9.30am-4.30pm: Moulsham Mill, Parkway, Chelmsford, CM2 7PX – 6th and 13th December (£35)

Online MHFA Training 9am-1.30pm: 17th & 24th November, 1st & 8th December (£40)

2 day MHFA Training 9.30am-4.30pm: Trust Links House, College Gardens, Rocheway, Rochford, Essex, SS4 1YL – 12th & 19th December (£35)

MHFA Refresher Course 9am-1pm: Moulsham Mill, Parkway, Chelmsford, CM2 7PX – 16th December (£20)

Online MHFA Refresher Course 1.30pm-5pm: 16th December (£25)

A contribution is required for each of these courses to cover the cost of course materials. These are given in brackets above.

In January we are running a FREE Developing Resilience workshop in Brentwood that stretches over 4 Tuesdays (10th, 17th, 24th 31st January). These workshops are for parents or carers of children with additional needs.

Contact for more information

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Colchester Strategic Partnership Launches Winter Resilience Campaign

Colchester’s strategic partnership, One Colchester has launched its 2022-23 Winter Resilience campaign to help those in need stay safe, warm, well and connected this winter.
Thanks to partnership working, funding and community spirit, this project continues to provide advice and support through the One Colchester initiative delivering roadshows in the community and distributing winter packs to those affected by the cold weather, including families on low incomes, people living with long-term health conditions or at risk of social isolation.
The launch took place at Elim Church, Greenstead at a winter warmer community event which was organised by Les Nicoll, who runs the N.E.S.T (North Essex Support Team) charity. The charity helps struggling families and individuals in the community and is a partner in One Colchester running a series of activities and events in the local area.
Tracy Rudling, Chief Executive Officer of Community360 said: “We are delighted to be working once again with key partners who provide much needed help and support when things get tough during the winter months. This also includes funding local projects and conducting outreach across the borough.” She added: “Winter can increase isolation, loneliness and causes financial hardship for many people worried about paying increased heating bills. This year we face the extra challenges presented by the cost-of-living crisis. That’s why it is crucial that we continue working together with partners to support our communities. I would like to thank all the community organisations that have joined us to support the winter campaign including our wonderful army of volunteers. A big thank you also to Les Nicholl, N.E.S.T and all the local organisations involved for the amazing community work they do and for hosting the launch.”
“The Community Winter Warmers Team are proud to host and very much support The One Colchester Winter Resilience Campaign. Said Les Nicoll, N.E.S.T. He Added: “We have been running the Heart of the Community initiative for some
years. It is a successful collaboration of many local organisations, led by Essex Fire and Rescue Service, Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service, Essex Free School Uniform Service and North Essex Support Team. The lead team have been supported by Greenstead Community Centre, Tots 2 Teens, Community360, Precious Bundles, CBC Neighbourhood Team CAP, plus local community churches and other groups.
Over the years we have given away more than 150,000 items of preloved warm clothing, bedding, shoes, and boots. All recycled and distributed to several thousand families and individuals in need in our communities. This has only been achieved by the tremendous hard work, determination, passion and the unbelievable generosity of our friends and neighbours. This is a simple
format, creating the opportunity for the community to get immediate and practical help, as well as signposting to other support agencies and charities.”
The Winter Packs, a crucial part of the campaign will this year include a guide to local support services, including signposting to social groups, and contain practical items, such as clothing, basic refreshments, a torch, blanket and flask and will be distributed to those identified as being in need by partnership members. A dedicated supply of packs will be held at the One Colchester Hub and will also be held at Colchester Hospital for staff to distribute to patients who would benefit from the packs when they are discharged.
Cllr Julie Young, Colchester Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Housing and Communities, said: “Winter is always a tough time, but this year the colder months will be even more challenging for households already facing difficult circumstances and struggling to make ends meet as incomes are squeezed by inflation and rising energy and food costs.“
Colchester has a fantastic community spirit. Along with our partners, we are always here to support our residents and communities with practical advice and support. Nobody should be left isolated or in danger because of cold temperatures and darker days.”
Jo Besant, Associate Alliance Transformation Lead and who was also volunteering at the event said: “The Winter Resilience Campaign is of huge importance to the Neighbourhoods Programme aims, which is all about collaborative working between the local voluntary sector, communities, leaders, boroughs and district councils, health and social care.” She added: “We have already seen the benefits of this collaboration and have been able to support citizens to access the services needed and when appropriate share their story. We are also delighted that one of our Neighbourhood Connectors, who looks after Colchester Central and South is working from The One Colchester Hub.”
The One Colchester Hub will once again be hosting information and health events, clubs and activities. This year the team will also be signposting to support available for cost-of-living issues. The Winter Resilience Steering Group, chaired by Community360, who co-delivers the project, brings together representatives from the public and voluntary sector to facilitate support over the winter months. The project has been funded by The North East Essex Alliance and supported by donations in kind.
For further information log onto:

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News


The Power of Gaming sessional worker will support the setting up and running community gaming events and carrying out some associated administration and promotional activities.

This will include supporting regular youth club sessions on weekday evenings and supporting the running of holiday clubs as well as working with the Project lead to extend the project reach and support monitoring and feedback.

Hours will be flexible dependent on need supporting the regular youth sessions held at the Youth Centre and school holiday activities.

£12 per hour. This role will run until 31st March 2023 with possible extension dependent on funding.

Please view the Job Description below:

Power of Gaming Sessional worker job description

This role is subject to a DBS check

Closing date for applications 25th November 2022, 5pm


If you have any questions please contact MDCVS Director Sarah Troop on 01621 732251 or [email protected]

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News


During Adult Safeguarding Week 21-25 November 2022, Maldon and District CVS are hosting a FREE online 90 minute DBS Barring Workshop on Making Recruitment Safer.

The workshop is led by Georgie Mitchell, the East of England Regional Outreach Advisor for the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). It will cover:

  • The different barring referral routes
  • The legislation underpinning barring work
  • When a barring referral legally has to be made
  • What regulated activity is and what is harm
  • How to make a good quality referral
  • The consequences of not making an appropriate referral
  • And the impact of being barred

It will end with a Q&A session.

The workshop will be held on Tuesday 22 November 1-2.30pm.

Booking is essential as spaces are limited.

For more information and to book please contact Catherine at M&DCVS on 01621 851891 or email [email protected]

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Essex Macmillan Welfare Benefits Advice Service – Self referral page

Citizens Advice Essex is pleased to be partnering with Macmillan Cancer Support, to provide a specialist welfare benefits advice service to help more people in Essex cope with the financial impact of a cancer diagnosis. A diagnosis of cancer can have a real impact on both those affected directly and their families. You can self refer to the service using the form below. We will handle your information in line with our Privacy Policy.

Self refer here. 

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News