Multiply is a new Central Government 3-year scheme to increase adult numeracy skills (19+), funded by the Department for Education and delivered through Local Authorities. At the end of June, Essex County Council submitted its Multiply investment plan – emphasising applying Maths to real life situations. Essex was awarded a £7.9m Multiply Grant agreed and the First Year allocation is £2.4m.
Multiply in Essex
Multiply supports Everyone’s Essex commitments on Good Jobs, Future Growth, Levelling Up, and Lifelong Learning. It also allows good join-up with Education (e.g. parents’ numeracy skills and Year of Numbers); health/social care (via Anchors); and new work on Financial Wellbeing and the Cost of Living. In Essex, NVQ3 qualifications are 8 percentage points lower than the national average. In addition, Essex is 114th out of 151 top tier local authority areas (or 38 th from bottom) for such qualifications, and as well known, Maths is a key barrier to progression beyond NVQ2.
Essex Multiply Interventions
The training will be delivered by local colleges and training providers and is in the process of being commissioned. The courses will be based on the below areas:
Helping people use numeracy to manage their money. To help to address cost of living pressures. Linked to ECC’s Financial Wellbeing project.
Numeracy skills required in the workplace delivered with employers. Develop Maths skills pledges with partners, anchor institutions and businesses.
Helping parents increase their numeracy skills to help their children & help with their own progression. Bringing together providers & schools – linked to Year of Numbers 2023/24
Engaging the hardest to reach learners – eg. those not in the labour market, care leavers. Working with partners, skills providers & VCS supported by community grants.
Additional relevant maths modules embedded into other vocational courses
Confidence with numbers – tasters or access courses to overcome barriers to entry.
New intensive and flexible numeracy courses targeted at people without Level 2 maths, leading to a Functional Skills Qualification. Delivering a flexible progression route throughout the year – rather than being locked into a September start. (From April 2023)
How Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations can get involved with Essex Multiply
We have budgeted £1m of community grants over the 3 year period to award to voluntary and community sector and public partners to help to support individuals from all communities to engage with Multiply. You are the experts in relation to your client base, and we are approaching you as partners who meet people everyday who have challenges with numeracy. Being interested in what wraparound support you can offer to Essex Multiply, we ask you to consider the following questions:
• How can Multiply complement your existing offer?
• What new opportunities could it create?
• What cohorts do you work with? What places do you support?
• Would any of your staff benefit from Multiply interventions?
• Can your premises be used as delivery locations?
• How can we promote this to other organisations you work with in your area?
Essex Multiply Community Grants
Multiply will enable providers to deliver bite-sized training for adults and we are offering VCS and Partners opportunities to enhance your support to communities and cohorts, notably around the cost of living and life skills to support the Multiply provision.
The quid pro quo is that you will deliver additional outreach, triage and wraparound support and ultimately participants in Multiply training (c. 40-60 starts per £10k grant depending on the cohort – a unit cost of £167-£250).
If you already deliver numeracy training that works for your clients, we would be interested to hear about it)
Call for proposals for year 1 (up to March 2023):
Community Grants of up to £10k – closing date 11th November 2022
Community Grants will also be available in 2023-24 and 2024-25
Contact our Multiply team at [email protected] for an application form
The Essex Alliance and Essex Map will be attending the Third Sector Summit at Basildon Sport & Leisure Club on Wednesday 2nd November (2-8pm).
You’ll be able to speak to us about joining the Essex Alliance newsletter, Third Sector information sharing and how best to promote your organisation on the Essex Map.
Other organisations you’ll see on the day include;
Networking opportunities with:
Active Essex
Adult Social Services
Basildon Council
Basildon Rotary
BBW CVS Funding and Development
BBW CVS Projects
BBW CVS Trustees
BBW Volunteer Network
Benjamin Mann – Senior Policy and Strategy Advisor
Billericay Street Pastors
Clarion Housing
Community Agents
Creative Basildon
East of England Ambulance Service Unmet Need Team
Enable East
Essex Community Foundation
Essex Fire and Rescue
Fowler Smith and Jones
Health Watch Essex
National Lottery
NHS Commissioners
Population Health
Social Prescribers
Stockvale group
Swan Housing
The DBS Regional Outreach service
Come and chat to the many likeminded organisations already telling us they are joining in!
…and not forgetting
Funding displays on cost-of-living funding and current opportunities to help support your organisation
Training Opportunities
and lots more!
14:15 Building an Alliance Andy Archer Hamelin Trust
15:15 The Power of Data for Bid Writing Samantha Glover Health Watch Essex
16:15 DBS Checks Georgina Mitchel Disclosure and Barring Service
17:15 Bid writing Danny Lawrence BEM BCAC Gateway FM
he NHS and partners across Essex are calling on everyone to help ‘Do Your Bit’ this winter as hospitals, GPs, paramedics and care services prepare for a rise in demand for local services.The most recent data shows that the NHS was already experiencing record demand for emergency services, with ambulances across the region responding to over 55,000 face to-face-incidents in September alone. In the same month call handlers have responded to more than 112,000 contacts, including 83,000 calls from the 999 service.
GP services are also seeing a huge rise in demand. From the start of April and the end of July 2022, local GP services provided over 1.9 million consultations, an increase of 31,000 compared to the same time the previous year.
While the NHS is here for local residents when they need it, there are lots of things people can do to stay well and help others in your community. From accepting invitations for important winter vaccinations to reduce the risk of serious illness, choosing the right NHS service or wearing sturdy slippers to help prevent falls, local health and care partners are calling on everyone to do their bit.
To support residents, a new campaign has been launched to help share important information about how the public to do their bit and take action to look after themselves, loved ones and the local NHS.
To mark the launch, the local NHS and wider health and care partners are encouraging local people to subscribe to FREE winter advice.
Subscribers will receive regular information about how people can support the #DoYourBit movement with useful tips and advice from local GP, Dr Anna Davey.
Dr Anna Davey, local GP leader for NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board said: “Every part of the health and care system is currently under pressure treating and supporting increasing numbers of people right across the board. Our staff are doing their very best to make sure everyone can get the care they require but prevention is better than cure. There are many ways local people can protect themselves and others from ending up needing to call on local NHS services.
“This is an increasingly tough time for everyone and we appreciate how difficult it can feel for the public at the moment. However, by accepting invitations for FREE winter vaccinations and understanding all the different ways they can do their bit will allow us to care for the most seriously ill patients.”
We warmly invite you to London City Hall on 21 November 2022 to take part in a big conversation about the potential of new service models to improve outcomes in Adult Social Care.
Join us for a chance to step out of your day-to-day job, be inspired by how others are working to tackle big challenges and think creatively with like-minded colleagues.
About the Day
Adult Social Care is under enormous pressure. Budget constraints are severe and demand is growing. Both social care professionals and the people they serve report that the quality of outcomes is often not where they would like them to be.
Solving these problems will require more than incremental change or just improving the digital tools used by social care professionals. We need to radically rethink the way ASC needs are met: helping prevent needs from arising in the first place and finding more effective ways to support people when they do need help.
In response, LOTI is hosting this innovation day for Adult Social Care professionals and their third and private sector partners to explore the possibility of developing new service models. Participants will learn and be supported to think about radical new approaches to meeting social care needs. The focus will be on delivering better outcomes in more sustainable ways over the long term, using all the tools, approaches and methods that are available in the internet era. The event will be followed by a £200k innovation fund to incentivise, select and pilot the most promising ideas for new service models.
Why attend?
Meet with like-minded people in the public, third and private sectors who want to bring about change
Hear guest speaker, Paul Najsarek, Non-Executive Director, South London ICS
Visit an expo of organisations that addressing needs in radically different ways
Learn about LOTI’s framework for thinking about new service models
Work in groups to develop ideas for how things could be done differently
Find out about LOTI’s New Service Models Innovation Fund and how to apply
Who should attend?
We warmly invite Adult Social Care professionals, from directors to those with front-line experience, to join us and share their ideas.
What do I need to know?
The event opens at 9.30am for a 10.00am start. The event will close at 4.30pm.
Tea, coffee and lunch will be provided. If you have any special dietary requirements, please let us know on this registration form.
A detailed agenda will be provided closer to the event. More details can be found on the LOTI website and in this slide deck.
We are urging organisations across Essex to apply for our new Community Winter Warmth and Welcome Spaces Fund.
Launched today, the £100,000 fund offers grants of up to £1,000 so organisations can create new spaces or activities, or extend their existing services.
The fund is open to charities, clubs or associations, community interest companies and town and parish councils.
Grants can be used for things like equipment to run new activities, venue or catering costs, operational costs including utilities, and staff or volunteer expenditure.
Cllr Louise McKinlay, ECC Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community, Equality, Partnerships and Performance, said: “We know people across the country are struggling at the moment and helping tackle the cost of living crisis is a key priority for Essex County Council.
“Our new Community Winter Warmth and Welcome Spaces Fund will provide funding to organisations, so they can better support those in need in their communities.
“This might be by opening up somewhere warm for people to go this winter or offering activities for them to enjoy inside a safe and welcoming space.
“We hope this fund will provide support for those most in need, but also bring communities closer together and help people feel connected with others in their area. I would urge groups across Essex to apply.”
The fund will be administered by the Essex Association of Local Councils (EALC) on our behalf.
As you find yourself recovering from COVID, you may still have symptoms that affect your body and mind.
These symptoms should get better over time and some may last longer than others, but there are things you can do to help.
Your COVID Recovery is here to support you and help you to understand what has happened and what you might expect as part of your recovery.
Information for family, friends and carers
Supporting your family member, relative or friend following their COVID illness can be challenging.
You may be providing emotional and physical help in addition to all your other responsibilities.
This can be a very stressful time for you both and we hope the information within the website will give you reassurance and support during their recovery.
If you are interested in offering a warm space for your local community this winter, The Essex Map is offering you a space to list your organisational information as part of this initiative. Please register for your free listing on the Essex Map homepage. When developing your listing ensure you select the warm spaces category and warm spaces tag which makes it easier for users of the Essex Map to find your listing.
There is further information on how to set up a warm space, funding available to apply for and helpful resources on The Essex Map’s Warm Spaces page.
If you need additional support with uploading your listing on to The Essex Map please email Jade on [email protected]
You are invited to our Youth voices listening conference, workshops & information fair on 22nd October at Anglia Ruskin university.
Official invitation to the Youth Voice Conference on October 2022, with the purpose of listening to young people around issues of safety.
The youth Voice conference is being organised in partnership with Essex Boys and Girls Clubs (EBGC), Essex Council For Voluntary Youth Services (ECVYS), Essex Police, The Violence and Vulnerability Unit (VVU) and Essex Young Assembly. There will also be a range of local partners, organisations and charities attending the day.
FREE lunch, and refreshments…. Plus a free goodie bag if you are lucky enough to qualify as a young person!
When: Saturday 22nd October 2022 Where: Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford Time: 10am – 2pm
This conference is aimed at young people aged 13 and over who live in Essex (including Southend and Thurrock) and want the opportunity to have their voices heard. The conference will focus on keeping young people safe in Essex and in their communities. There will be workshops, an information fair, speakers, the Essex Police Youth Strategy Launch and the chance to have your questions answered in a panel by decision makers!
(Please note that although we would love as many policy makers, commissioners and budget holders there as possible to listen to what young people are saying; spaces are limited and first priority will be given to young people if we are oversubscribed).
Topics that will be covered are:
– Mental health and wellbeing
– Staying safe in public
-LGBTQ+ and hate crime awareness
– VVU listening report findings
– Essex Police Youth Stagey Launch
– What to do in an emergency
– Where do you feel safe in your community
If you are planning on bringing a group of young people and need help with transport please get in contact.
Information Fair; opportunity to display-
During the conference young people will have the opportunity to visit information stands about local services, charities, organisation, opportunities and support around staying safe or around youth activities and safe spaces. If you would like a stand (or for us to display your information if you are unable to attend), then please email Rebecca at [email protected]
If you or any young people have any questions please get in contact
The London Marathon Charitable Trust (LMCT) has provided a grant of £1 million to inspire activity in Essex.
The grant looks to expand the Find Your Active small grants programme, scale up Essex Pedal Power, and increase active travel opportunities in our schools and communities.
The RideLondon-Essex cycling event, which took place in May 2022 in conjunction with Essex County Council, has led to a new funding partnership between Active Essex and LMCT to invest £1 million to inspire more people to be active across the county.
Find Your Active
As part of Active Essex’s successful Find Your Active campaign, LMCT is powering a programme to support Essex-wide projects that help residents lead active and healthy lives. Organisations, groups and instructors will be able to apply for funds of up to £3,000 to help residents find the activity that’s right for them, via the Active Essex.
In light of the growing cost-of-living crisis, funding is being offered to clubs and groups who can help get residents to be active in these challenging times and welcome organisations to inform us of the support they need.
In order to capture the county’s love for cycling, The Active Essex Foundation will also be offering support to inclusive cycling initiatives along the RideLondon route, as well as skate jam opportunities for young people. Through events and cycling workshops, the Foundation will strengthen communities, enhancing local assets and providing opportunities for young people who are at risk, to try new activities and lead healthier, happier, more positive lives.
Schools will be encouraged to apply for the Essex School Active Travel Grant funding, to help promote healthier active travel methods for both pupils and families. Schools will be able to utilise the funding to start or expand their School Active Travel Plan and help overcome any existing barriers currently preventing communities to travel actively to school.
Building upon established active travel initiatives in Essex, the £1 million funding will also help to expand Essex Pedal Power; a community-based cycling initiative that has been piloted in Clacton and Jaywick Sands, where eligible residents can apply for a free bike, with the aim of making cycling more accessible for everyone. New Essex Pedal Power programmes are being planned for Colchester, Basildon and Harwich.
Catherine Anderson, Executive Director at The London Marathon Charitable Trust, said:
It’s great to have Essex as a new core funding area for us, thanks to the partnership between RideLondon and Essex County Council, and to have the opportunity to inspire activity in communities right across the county.
We’re proud to be working with Active Essex and The Active Essex Foundation to fund initiatives that will promote health and wellbeing – supporting more people to find an activity that’s right for them and building activity into their daily lives. We can’t wait to see the impact our partnership will have over the next year in helping communities across the county to be more active.
Sustainable active travel
Cllr Lee Scott, Cabinet Member for Highways Maintenance and Sustainable Transport added:
It’s great to see how the inaugural event of RideLondon coming to Essex is now having a tremendous benefit on Essex residents. It is my hope that this funding will have an impact on activity levels across the county and help provide further opportunities in creating sustainable active travel.
Active Essex and LMCT
Active Essex is the Active Partnership for the county and hosted by Essex County Council.
LMCT is the parent charity of London Marathon Events (LME), the organisers of RideLondon. All surplus from events organised by LME is gifted to LMCT, who in turn provide grants to projects that inspire activity.