
This is where we’ll post third sector news and important updates that are useful for your organisation.

Stakeholder Communications Toolkit – ‘Worrying About Money’ (Uttlesford Foodbank)

The ‘Worrying About Money’ leaflet (also known as a Cash First Referral Leaflet) has been developed by Uttlesford Foodbank, in collaboration with the Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN). It is based on a widely used template, already in
circulation across many parts of the UK:

The purpose of the leaflet is to support residents in Uttlesford who may be worried about money. It sign-posts a range of local and national routes to help. We are inviting our partners, supporters and community networks to help us distribute online
and hard copies throughout Uttlesford. An electronic copy of the Uttlesford leaflet can be downloaded here:

A copy of the leaflet may be uploaded to your website (e.g. a news or resources page). You may also choose to attach it to communications that are issued by you.

If you would like to request hard copies, please email: [email protected]
An interactive version of the leaflet can be accessed here:

Social Media
Please look out for our social media posts about the leaflet on Facebook, Twitter and
Facebook: uttlesfordfoodbank

Twitter: uttlesfordfb

Instagram: uttlesfordfoodbank

We invite you to share our posts to your network. You may also choose to create your own post, linking to an online copy of the leaflet. Please tag Uttlesford Foodbank on the relevant social media channel, and we’ll look to like/comment/share
your post as well.

For any queries, please contact: [email protected]

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Leading Greater Essex Hosts its Second In-Person Event!

On Wednesday 13th July, the Leading Greater Essex (LGE) programme welcomed participants to only it’s second in-person meeting since 2019. Held at the high tech (and air conditioned) Civic Hub in Epping, the event was a high energy series of discussions, group conversations and thought-provoking theories that enhanced the group and the individual learning of all involved.

Led by our LGE consultants; Stephen Moss and Monica Harding from PSTA, and Jeff Masters from Collaborate, the day started with an energising icebreaker asking individuals to act as either High Status or Low Status individuals, and to act accordingly as they introduced themselves to others in the room.  An interesting dynamic formed and highlighted how different conversations arise based on the body language, and perceived status of an individual – a key observation for our future system leaders.

Our Leading Greater Essex participants are roughly half-way through the programme and becoming fully emersed in their System Challenges. These are real challenges identified by Essex Partners as having cross sector significance, with no easy solution. The primary purpose of the system challenges is to offer individual participants the opportunity to apply their learning and to work collectively in groups of eight to consider these complex public policy challenges.

Examples of our 2022 System Challenges:

·       How can we improve health and care outcomes for Veterans across Mid and South Essex?

·       How could we create a long-term, system-wide approach to addressing health inequalities in our coastal communities?

·       How are the Levelling Up projects going to be measured to ensure success across Greater Essex and what does success look like?

Before the end of the in-person session, the facilitators shared some useful thinking on the importance of understanding the impact of pressures on behaviour. The group felt that managing your energy, and not your time, is something that everyone can all benefit from, and shared this article from the Harvard Business Review with Essex Future News: ‘Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time’.

The next step for our participants is to delve deeper into the challenges they have chosen and begin to identify potential solutions before they present back to sponsors and Essex Partners at a celebration event on the 4th November.

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Local Population Health and Wellbeing Data Available for all on Open Data Platform

Essex County Council has published the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for the first time on the Essex Open Data platform.

The JSNA summarises information from several different data sources, to provide an assessment of the current and future health and wellbeing needs of the county’s communities.

All the data used in the reports is available in the form of interactive dashboards, enabling anyone to pull out the insights of most interest to them on topics such as:

·       Health outcomes of the local population (including  mental health), for example length and quality of life

·       Health behaviours, such as diet, exercise, smoking and alcohol consumption

·       Communities’ access to care and the quality of life

·       Wider social and economic factors, such as income and education, that affect our mental and physical health

·       Insights into the local physical environment that impact on our health.

You can explore the JSNA for yourself by clicking here! The JSNA itself is an ongoing, iterative process presented as a suite of resources, interactive reports, briefings, downloadable reports, and datasets, that will be updated regularly as new analysis and insight becomes available. By designing the JSNA in this way we hope that it will be a ‘live’ resource for organisations, and residents, across Essex.

The Essex Open Data portal is a rich source of information which, like the JSNA, can be used as an evidence base for local authorities, partners, voluntary and community groups to prepare bids and business cases. This evidence helps to ensure that our services are designed with the needs and views of the local population in mind.

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Citizens Advice Essex Vacancies

Citizens Advice Essex, the consortium of local Citizens Advice serving Essex, Southend and Thurrock, has entered into a long-term partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support to set up and deliver a new specialist advice service providing expert welfare benefits advice to people diagnosed with cancer and their families.

The service aims to support individuals holistically, to ensure the financial effect of their diagnosis is mitigated by ensuring all possible benefits are claimed, other sources of financial support accessed and that they are referred to other Citizens Advice or Macmillan services where appropriate.

We have 14 positions available across four roles – ranging from specialist casework, supervision and administrative support. To request download details or to apply please click on the links. For an informal discussion, please contact Martin Lord on 077422 31152 Or email [email protected]

Closing date for all roles: 26th August 2022

See the current vacancies available here. 

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Grants for Charities and Not for Profit groups within Essex

The great majority of funding is applied to projects and groups within Essex: either directly or through national charities for specific Essex-based projects. Each application is considered by the Trustees collectively, and if approved, an appropriate donation is determined.

The Grants Administrators may arrange to visit potential recipients before or after any grant is awarded in order to establish any anticipated benefit, or to monitor its outcome.

The Trust does not award annual grants. At least 12 months must elapse before further applications may be made.

Applications for core funding, project-based initiatives, refurbishment of premises and also equipment costs may all be considered for awards.

Find out more here. 

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Get Involved – Healthwatch Essex

We are always looking for people to tell us about their story and experiences but we also occasionally have opportunities to get more fully involved in shaping future services across Essex.  These are open to you if you live or work in Essex and are keen to volunteer with us. You can give as much or as little of your time as you want, but any time you can give will make a difference.

From time to time we recruit for specific opportunities to represent voice of people in Essex as services are re-designed.

These roles can involve:

  • Attending meetings with NHS managers and clinical staff
  • Inputting to and challenging new proposals for services
  • Reviewing leaflets and information given out by the NHS
  • Engaging with other patients to feed their experiences back alongside your own

Contact Healthwatch Essex for more information. 

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Supporting voluntary and community organisations

In the Year that Harlow turns 75 we are celebrating all that the Voluntary & Community Sector has to offer Harlow Residents.

Come and join us in The Water Gardens on Thursday 4th August between 11.00am and 3.00pm To book a stall or for more information, contact Kelly as per below.

Networking…Sharing experiences…Partnership working… E-bulletin…Strengthening the voice of the sector…Workshops… Discussion…Guest speakers…Training…News…Support…

Contact Kelly on 07849 087787 or email: [email protected]

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Community360 Recruitment Open Days – Showcasing the Charity’s Latest Vacancies

Friday 22nd July 10am – 2pm and Saturday 23rd July 10am – 1pm

We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting our first jobs fair and able to share the
range of exciting job opportunities currently available.
Potential applicants are invited to come along to chat to our staff and find out more about the
vacancies on offer and to find out first-hand what it is like to work in the community voluntary
This is a great way to learn more about Community360, the work that we do and what it’s like
to be part of our growing team. It’s rewarding and fun with long term career progression
We welcome people with transferrable skills and who have an interest in their community.
Bring your CV – Hot drinks and cake provided!
We look forward to seeing you
One Colchester Community Hub
4-6 Long Wyre Street
See the current vacancies here

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

Compassionate Communities Tendring workshop – 13 July

The public and community serving organisations are invited to attend a Compassionate Communities Tendring network workshop, from 10-12 on Weds 13 July at the Friendship Room, Pier Avenue Baptist Church, 117 Pier Ave, Clacton-on-Sea, CO15 1NJ.

Compassionate Communities Tendring is a network for residents, organisations, groups, schools, healthcare services, service users and carers, that promotes and support kindness, compassion, and a collaborative approach to caring for one another at times of health crisis and personal loss.

Start-up workshops in Clacton and Harwich have provided an opportunity for people to share and learn about existing community assets and to discuss and identify local priorities that can improve care for those experiencing end of life and bereavement.

This workshop will focus on the creation of a shared action plan – including identifying a calendar of community events and activities that the network can collaboratively promote and support.

Everybody is welcome – the wider community representation that supports a Compassionate Community approach the better! Please just confirm if you would like to attend via [email protected] so that we can manage numbers.

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News


Get help for your good cause, charity or community group

We can help you connect with businesses that have volunteer time, money or product surplus to donate. The first step is to create your free page and tell us what kind of help you need.
Neighbourly is an award-winning giving platform that helps businesses make a positive impact in their communities by donating volunteer time, money and surplus products, all in one place.

Create your account here. 

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News