Grants of up to £2,000 are available to charities, housing associations, schools and social services providing support for individuals and families across the UK who are in financial need.
The Cosaraf Charitable Foundation’s Hardship Grants will support individuals and families who have exhausted all other sources of funding and are struggling with everyday costs, such as basic living expenses, household items and utilities, work- or education-related expenses, or rent arrears.
Priority will be given to:
the most financially excluded people
families over individuals
those with caring responsibilities
items that will make the most difference to the individual/family’s long-term future
Other than in exceptional cases, Hardship Grants will only be made available for:
Household items (white goods and occasionally other items i.e. sofas, wardrobes etc.)
Basic Living Expenses (Utilities or food)
Work- or education-related expenses (interview clothes, school uniforms, laptops)
Rent arrears and Council tax arrears, but only where there is a clear and obvious risk of homelessness (for rent arrears involving a social landlord please outline what support has already been offered to your tenant)
Contribution to immigration-related costs, where the current immigration status directly causes financial hardship to the applicant
Applications can be made at any time and are assessed every six weeks.
Cabinet Member for Health, Adult Social Care and ICS Integration, Councillor John Spence said: “Our new carers’ strategy for Essex is aimed at ensuring high-quality information guidance and advice, that carers know their rights and that they feel well supported.
“Grants from this fund will particularly help the last of these, as local organisations and charities will be able to identify those projects which will best enhance the lives of the carers in their part of Essex.”
The re-launch brings about new features and an improved user experience, meaning it has never been easier to find activities, groups and services in your area. The Essex Map is a real asset for organisations within the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector, as well as the statutory and local government. It provides the opportunity to put a voice out there for services and activities that support the needs of the local community and helps them to thrive. If you feel something is missing that supports the wider Essex community, please add it on to the Essex Map.
New features of the Essex Map include:
A Franchise Option – if your organisation covers multiple locations, you can now set up a ‘franchise’. This is an option for when you set up a new listing or edit an old one. Please contact us if you need help with this.
Set Up a List – within your account, you can now set up a list. Simply click on a listing you like, on the top right hand side there is a blue button that says “save to list”. You can choose if you’d like your list to be public or private.
Verified Tick – to receive a verified tick, you will need to claim your own listing. Please contact us if you need help with this.
Last Updated – you can now see when the listing you are viewing was ‘last updated’ at the bottom right hand side of the page.
‘New’ Badge – if the listing is new, it will have a ‘new’ button show up for a few days.
If you need support with any of these new features, or help navigating the new Essex Map, we will be hosting drop in sessions online with a member of the Map team who will be able to answer any questions and help you with your query.
The tender for the Third Sector Training across West Essex is now live on the MyTenders portal.
Harlow Council (on behalf of the three West Essex Councils) is seeking to commission a suitably qualified and experienced training provider to deliver a series of training for people working in the Third Sector located in the West Essex area. The aim of the commission is to provide a programme of training and support that improve the knowledge, skills and competencies of the people who work and volunteer in the Third Sector locally which will as a result building the capacity of the Third Sector and support the sector to become more sustainable.
This commission is to be funded from the Councils’ UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF) and is to be delivered between April 24 and February 25.
Interested parties should go to to obtain details of the tender.
They will need to register as a Supplier which is free of charge and will only take a couple of minutes.
In case of any difficulty, they should contact the MyTenders Helpdesk on 0800 222 9006
The deadline for this tender is 15th December 23.
As this is a live tender opportunity all questions must be directed trough the MyTender portal.
This new programme focuses on supporting projects that contribute to the environment, countryside, social inclusion, health and wellbeing, education, heritage and conservation.
Small grants
The Fund awards small grants of up to £5,000 per year to approximately 100 community based organisations each year.
Applications will next open in January 2024.
Eligibility criteria
To apply for a small grant, your organisation must:
Be a UK registered non-profit organisation
Have an annual income of less than £1 million
Have completed two years of activity
Have less than 6 months free reserves
If seeking funding for a project, the total cost of the project should not exceed £200,000
Delamere Dairy Ltd has been instrumental in the concept and thinking behind the Delamere Dairy Foundation and is proud of the association and the support it can provide. Delamere Dairy’s sustainable approach to business, its ethics, values and vision inspired the concept of the Corporate Foundation, driven by a desire to ‘do the right thing’, now and in the long term, by giving back to the communities in which it operates.
Though financially supported by Delamere Dairy Ltd and affiliated by name, the Delamere Dairy Foundation, established in October 2020, is a self-governing, independent registered charity with a clear purpose of giving back to local and wider communities through the provision of discretionary grants and other financial assistance.
The Foundation is run by independent trustees and grant panel members who consider applications for funding in line with the Foundation’s objects as set out in its Constitution and with the charitable support of Delamere Dairy. Applications are welcome from charities and organisations whose purpose fits with the objects of the Delamere Dairy Foundation for the benefit of the public, namely
The advancement of agriculture and of environmental protection
The advancement in life of young people by developing their capabilities so that they may mature as contributory members of society
The relief of financial hardship
The advancement of education
The relief of sickness
Who can apply?
Applications for grants and financial support will be considered from charities and other organisations based in England, Scotland and Wales whose work benefits local communities, and whose purpose aligns with the Foundation’s objects (see list above). Information on the Delamere Dairy Foundation can be found on the Charity Commission register by searching charity number 1191627, or clicking here.
How much can you apply for?
A minimum of £250 up to £5000. Charities and organisations may apply once per calendar year.
Deadline for applications
The closing date for the Spring 2024 round of applications is Thursday 29th February 2024. All applications must be made by completing this form. Decisions will be made in April, and funding granted in May, so please ensure that your projects don’t start until after these dates because we cannot offer grants retrospectively.
The Youth Music Trailblazer fund offers grants of £2,000 to £30,000 to organisations in England to run projects for children and young people (25 or under) to make, learn and earn in music. The project should trial work for the first time, test a new way of working, or disrupt the status quo (or all three!).
Your work must meet one of our themes:
Early years
Disabled, d/Deaf and neurodivergent young people
Youth justice system
Young people facing barriers
Young adults
Organisations and the workforce.
Trailblazer Round 6 Deadline: 12 January 2024 Notification: 26 April 2024 For projects starting between: May and July 2024.
Trailblazer Round 7 Deadline: 30 August 2024 Notification: 13 December 2024 For projects starting between: January and March 2025
Trailblazer Round 8 Deadline: 22 November 2024 Notification: 21 March 2025 For projects starting between: April and June 2025
All deadlines are 5pm.
Over the summer we paused the Trailblazer Fund to make some small but important improvements.
We have updated our eligibility and budget guidance and engaged a wider range of external advisors (including young people) to inform funding decisions. All changes are highlighted in the refreshed guidance.
Apply for Funding to get the next generation of girls moving through music.
Nike and Spotify have linked up to launch the Make Moves Fund – a social impact-led initiative designed to get the least active girls moving through music.
80% of girls in England feel they don’t belong in sport , and by the time they’re 18, they’re more than twice as likely to experience poor mental health than boys.
This needs to change. We know music and movement are proven to have a profound positive impact on mental wellbeing. It creates the space to find freedom through expression and joy in community. So, to get girls moving, we’re reimagining sport through their eyes.
The Make Moves fund will provide £20k grants to UK-based community organisations to pioneer innovative, girl-first programmes that combine music and movement.
Girls making moves on their own terms
To kickstart this initiative, we’ve teamed up with FLO, A London-based girl group whose music empowers girls to express themselves. With dance, “you can leave everything else behind and just be confident”, they tell us.
We’ve also assembled a panel of experts to help us award the funding, including Nike dancer Joelle D’Fontaine; Gurls Talk mental wellbeing expert Ciara Dockery; and teen girls nominated by Black Girl Fest.
Want to get involved?
If you know a creative community organisation that wants to get girls moving through music, tell them to apply to the Make Moves Fund. Deadline for submissions is 30th November 2023.
Get girls moving through music.
Full terms and conditions on the application page.
This study is conducted by Karen Whybro, a women’s safety consultant. I would like to invite you to take part in a research study. Before you decide whether or not to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully. The study takes up to 5 minutes.
Please note: This study involves asking about your personal safety. If this is a sensitive topic for you, you may not want to take part in this study and can simply close your browser to terminate the study. What is the purpose of the study?
The aim of this study is to gather data on how safe you feel when out and about in Harlow to present to local authority and agencies working on improving safety in Harlow and the experiences of visitors and residents.
Why have I been invited to participate?
We are inviting those who live or work in Harlow to take part.
Do I have to take part?
It is up to you to decide whether or not you wish to take part in this survey. If you do decide to take part, you will be asked to provide written consent. You are free to withdraw at any time during the study, without giving a reason. Simply close your browser window, no information will be captured unless you submit your completed survey. Please be aware there are limitations on your right to withdraw once you have completed the study in full because data will be collected anonymously. It is therefore not possible to identify your data in order to withdraw you from the study.
What will happen to me if I take part?
You will be asked to provide some general details. You will also be asked to complete a short questionnaire on how safe you feel in Harlow. These questions are voluntary, and you will have the option to skip any questions that you do not want to answer.
What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?
There are no adverse risks beyond what you would normally encounter in day-to-day life.
What are the possible benefits of taking part?
Your participation in this study will help us build on existing knowledge in this field.
What information will be collected?
Your details such as your age, gender and sexuality. We will also collect some data on your thoughts regarding how safe you feel in your local area. Your anonymised data will then be stored securely on our online database. Only those on the research team for this study will have access to it and it will be password protected and encrypted. We may hold your anonymised data for up to ten years. Electronic data may be deleted after this time.
What is the legal basis for using the data.
Our legal basis for processing and retaining your personally identifying data is that you consent to it (in the consent form that follows). Your data will be anonymised, so that you cannot be identified and used in scientific journal articles.
What should I do if I want to take part?
To opt in to participating in our research, you will be directed to an informed consent page.
One Colchester Strategic Partnership has announced the launch of its annual Winter Resilience Campaign.
Supporting the most vulnerable over the coming winter months, the campaign brings together a strategic partnership of public, community and voluntary sector groups who provide funding and community spirit to help residents stay safe, warm, well and connected,
The project provides advice and support through the One Colchester initiative delivering roadshows in the community and distributing winter packs to those affected by the cold weather, including families on low incomes, people living with long-term health conditions or at risk of social isolation.
The launch took place at The One Colchester Community Hub at a cost of living and winter resilience event organised by Community360. The event was supported by over 20 organisations offering information on health, social prescribing and cost of living support.
Tracy Rudling, Chief Executive Officer of Community360 and Chair of One Colchester Said:
“We are delighted to be working once again with key partners who provide much needed help and support when things get tough during the winter months. This also includes funding local projects and conducting outreach across the city. It is humbling every year to see just how many people in our community are benefiting from the Winter Resilience Campaign.”
She added: “Unfortunately, we are still facing a tough winter ahead of us. Households across the city are already feeling the effects of the cost-of-living crisis, with many low-income households being forced to go without essentials. The risk of homelessness is growing and with fuel prices still high we will see more people still having to choose whether to heat their homes or cook a hot meal. Winter can also increase isolation, loneliness and have a negative effect on our physical and mental wellbeing.
However, Colchester has a fantastic community spirit and an amazing voluntary sector. Along with our partners, we can listen to and support our residents and communities with practical advice, support, and outreach.”
Cllr Natalie Sommers, Colchester Council’s Portfolio Holder for Communities, said: “The Winter Resilience Campaign is a vital initiative that provides essential support to our most vulnerable residents during the challenging winter months.
“The campaign is a testament to the strength of our community and the dedication of our partners to helping those in need. It is truly inspiring to see the collaborative efforts of public, community, and voluntary groups coming together to ensure that no one is left behind.”
The Winter Packs, a crucial part of the campaign will this year include a guide to local support services, including signposting to social groups, and contain practical items, such as clothing, basic refreshments, a torch, blanket and flask and will be distributed to those identified as being in need by partnership members.
A dedicated supply of packs will be held at the One Colchester Hub and will also be held at Colchester Hospital for staff to distribute to patients who would benefit from the packs when they are discharged.
The Winter Resilience Steering Group, chaired by Community360, who co-delivers the project, brings together representatives from the public and voluntary sector to facilitate support over the winter months. The project has been funded by The North East Essex Alliance and supported by donations in kind.