To apply for this position please download and complete the three-part application
form from the bottom of this page and send it to [email protected] by the closing date of 12 pm
25th June 2021.
Interview date: 12th – 14th July via zoom
A webinar on the challenges of working in the voluntary sector. Appreciation and understanding of the role of the sector, caring for yourselves and each other.
Wednesday 7th July @ 4pm (via Teams)
Dr Leon Fletcher-Tomenius and Magnus Irvine of Here For You service will facilitate a reflective practice session for managers during a 50 mins to an hour online reflective space.
This will be a space for managers to talk about their recent experience of working through the pandemic and how this has impacted on them with a particular focus on the challenges of the changing environment, understanding of the role of the sector and being reactive not proactive.
Mental and physical health are closely related. People who live with long-term physical conditions are twice as likely to have poor mental health as those who do not. It is highly likely that this has increased further during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We spoke with people living with long-term conditions, their family members and the healthcare professionals who work with them, to understand the relationships between having a long-term illness and people’s emotional and mental wellbeing, and to identify ways of improving people’s experiences and outcomes.
The report shows the impact long-term conditions can have on people, their relationships and jobs; what helps; what support is already available and works; and what needs to change to better emotionally support people living with long-term physical ill-health. We are aware that in many places clinicians are supporting people with their mental health, but it is not always the case that emotional wellbeing is brought up.
If you work in healthcare, social care, the voluntary sector or not-for-profit sector in Essex or Hertfordshire and need someone to talk to, we are here for you.
You can call us 24/7 to confidentially to talk through any problems you’re facing, whatever they may be.
0344 257 3960 (Also available to those working in Essex and Hertfordshire organisations, but based elsewhere.)
Over six million people in the UK are carers, looking after a rela-tive or friend. Regardless of how much care you provide or the type of support you give, caring can impact on your health and well-being.
Caring means something different to everyone; one thing carers tell us all the time is that they cannot keep going without a break.
Essex Carers Support are inviting carers (18+) who live in the Essex County Council area to take part in our project. They would like to talk to you about the importance of self-care and assist you in planning some positive and rewarding time for yourself; something that reflects your own interests and is of your choosing. This can be done individually or, if preferred, can include the person/persons you care for.
Grants up to £100 are available to help you achieve Time 4 You. See Below for examples:
Find more examples on the Essex carers Support website or get in touch for a chat about what you’d do with some ‘Time 4 You’:
Do you have experience in community development and a good knowledge of the social prescribing agenda and landscape, in particular across West Essex?
Rainbow Services (Harlow) is leading an exciting NEW 12 month cross sector partnership project across West Essex which will build on the opportunities available to residents and social prescribers supporting them, working in
particular with arts, culture, environment, and advice organisations to pilot innovative activities.
If you feel you could jump straight into this creative post go to our website for more information:
Current Vacancies – Rainbow Services – Harlow
To apply email your CV and covering letter outlining how you meet the job specifications to [email protected]
For more information please contact: [email protected]
Deadline: 5pm 23rd June 2021
In these unconventional times, we have all had to adapt our working strategies to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible. Added to our increased workloads is the need to keep on top of our mental and physical wellbeing, manage unpredictable IT issues and create an effective space to make working from home comfortable.
This conference will provide you with the latest skills and information you need to manage your time during the pandemic. You will come away from the event with:
Tricks on how to boost your productivity remotely
Techniques to help you deliver a presentation online, including how to make the most of technology
Skills towards building a positive and open culture for your organisation
Advice on how to support and supervise your remote working team
On Tuesday 15th June 2pm, Dr Leon Fletcher-Tomenius and Magnus Irvine of the Here for You service will facilitate a reflective practice session for managers during a 50 mins to an hour online reflective space.
This will be a space for managers to talk about their recent experience of working through the pandemic and how this has impacted on them.
This is an additional session being offered after a previous event was well received. It will revisit conversations and themes and is open to anyone with an interest in sharing their experiences and benefiting from peer support
Further training needs, or the need for other interventions may be identified, which would also be fed back and discussed.
Maldon and District CVS are looking for a part time (15 hours pw) Volunteer support and Communications officer. The post holder will take a lead in the management of the Volunteer Centre including driving forward steps to create a more online and digital experience for both volunteers and volunteer involving organisations. You will be responsible for promoting volunteer roles and volunteering experiences on a range of media including websites, social media and in print.
Deadline for applications is 5pm 2nd July 2021
Click here for job spec and more details on the role.