The Hertfordshire & West Essex ICB is working with partners on the future of West Essex children’s community healthcare services. To find out what parents and carers think of existing services, they have launched an anonymous survey which closes on Friday 21 February.
They would be grateful for any support you can give to share the attached poster with your networks in the west Essex area: Survey Poster Here.
By way of background, the children’s community healthcare services include community paediatrician, special school nurses, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists. They are services children and young people use in the community rather than in hospitals or GP practices. There is more information about west Essex children’s community services and plans for its future on the Hertfordshire and West Essex integrated Care Board website.
Longfield Solar Farm Community Liaison Group (CLG) would like to invite you to their second meeting, which will be held at Boreham Village Hall on Wednesday 5th March 2025 at 2pm.
The aim of the Community Liaison Group (CLG) is to provide a forum for the exchange of information relating to the development of Longfield Solar Farm. The CLG will remain active throughout the construction of the project.
Further to a previous market engagement event Essex County Council would like to invite prospective providers to engage in a soft market test. This test has been designed to establish the potential level of interest from organisations to deliver a Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) – Resource and Funding Maximisation service and to invite feedback on the proposed structure of this service to inform the Council’s commissioning intentions.
Are you a current or former member of the Armed Forces?
On behalf of Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board, we are launching a project on the Armed Forces Community and their experiences of accessing and using NHS services in West Essex.
We want to hear from:
Veterans, service leavers or non-mobilised reservists
Serving personnel and reservists
Partners, parents, children and carers of those in the Armed Forces
We want to learn about:
Any experiences of using GP practices, dentists, pharmacies, opticians, mental health services, hospitals and community services.
How can the NHS better engage with the Armed Forces Community?
What are the key issues with existing NHS services?
What ideas and suggestions do you have?
Conversations will be in person or via email/telephone/video call.
Any information you provide is anonymous and strictly confidential.
This survey is being carried out by Essex County Council as part of a wider partnership of organisations planning for future pharmaceutical services.
We are inviting you to take part in a survey about pharmaceutical services (provided by pharmacies, dispensing doctors, internet pharmacies and dispensing appliance contractors) in the Essex area. The results from this survey will help us to understand how local people use the services, how they rate their experience, and what they would like in the future. These views will contribute towards the production of a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for Essex and assist in determining what services are required to meet the needs of the local population.
The current Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment covering the Essex area is available on Essex Open Data.
If you would like more information about the survey, alternative formats (such as a paper copy, translation or an easy read copy) or have questions on how to complete the questionnaire, you can contact [email protected]
Why your views matter
Completion of the survey is voluntary and if you choose not to take part it will not affect the care you receive from the NHS or your pharmacy/GP in any way.
Your answers will be kept completely confidential and won’t be collated with any information that makes you identifiable. It is voluntary to disclose this information. If you choose not to answer the ‘About you’ questions, it will not affect your participation.
Your answers will only be used to tell us about your experience of pharmaceutical services, and to help us to improve these services.
Your views are important to us so please spare a few minutes to complete the survey, it should take no longer than 5-7 minutes to complete.
The results of this survey will be available on Essex Open Data where the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment will be published in October 2025.
Essex County Council fully complies with information legislation. If you would like the full details of how we use personal data, and the rights you have about its use, please go to (Research & Citizen Insight) or call 03457 43043.
A ‘State of Life’ weekly tracker has been launched in Essex supported by Active Essex and University of Essex. The survey aims to track how the current situation under Covid-19 is affecting our experience of work, health, money, other people, and life in general.
The objective is to create an agile tool and data set to inform decision making at this crucial time.
See the results or take the Weekly Tracker Survey here.
BBW CVS are interested in understanding the local impact of Covid-19 and ask that local voluntary, community, faith & social enterprise organisations complete the survey below to tell them about the impact it has had on your organisation.
Sport England is looking to support innovative projects that remove barriers to being active during the coronavirus pandemic for those communities that are currently least well-served. Already existing inequalities are currently being exacerbated by the pandemic and those most affected are not able to access sports and activity and are missing out on the health benefits.
Further information and an online application form are available on the website of Sport England.
Applications can be submitted until noon on 24 June 2020.
Alastair Gordon, Head of Profession: Research and Citizen Insight at Essex County Council, is looking for feedback from volunteers who support statutory organisations across Essex.
The note below sets out an invitation to participate in primary research examining their experience of volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a core element of the TCG’s research into statutory agencies’ involvement of volunteers during the pandemic, and they would be grateful if this is shared with relevant volunteers and volunteer groups.
An invitation to share your views and experiences of volunteering during the Covid-19 pandemic
Partners from across the public and voluntary sector in Essex are undertaking research to better understand how the public bodies have involved volunteers prior to and during the Covid-19
We want to gather views to help us improve what we do in the future.
We would like to understand your experiences of volunteering during the pandemic whether your offer to help was taken up or not. The support or helping hand you’ve offered could range from
helping a neighbour with their shopping to holding a formal voluntary role within an organisation, or it could be anything in between!
What’s involved?
We would like you to talk to one of our professional research team (via video or telephone call) share your views and experiences volunteering both before and since the COVID-19 pandemic.
Areas of discussion could include:
What prompted you to volunteer?
How effectively public services have involved you, or used you time and skills?
What would lead you to sustain voluntary activity into the future?
What can public services might do to make it more likely that you will volunteer in the future?
We hope that discussions can take place between 15th June and 10th July. We will arrange discussions at a time that is most convenient for you. Taking part in this research is completely voluntary, and you will be able to stop at any time.
If you are happy to take part, please provide some information about you and your household by completing this short survey below. This will help to make sure we talk to a wide range of Essex
residents in this research.
If you would like support to complete this survey over the telephone, please call 03330 321086 between Monday to Thursday 10am – 3pm.
Please note we will be speaking to a limited number of people, and unfortunately this means we will not be able to speak to everyone who expresses an interest.
If you have any questions about the project, we will be more than happy to speak to you, please contact [email protected]
Any information you share with us a part of this project will not be identifiable to individuals or organisations in our final report.
Essex County Council fully complies with information legislation. If you would like the full details of how we use personal data, and the rights you have about its use, please go to or call 03457 430430