Community Initiative Fund 2022/23

Posted on: June 30, 2022

The Community Initiatives Fund is designed to help parish & town councils, community groups, clubs, societies and voluntary organisations improve their local community.
This fund excludes projects that deliver their work outside the administrative area of Essex County Council (Thurrock and Southend). The Community Initiatives Fund is administered by the EALC on behalf of Essex County Council.
Projects should have community backing and demonstrate a real community need. For instance, they could be to:
​When talking about the Community Initiative Fund, Chairman of the EALC Executive Committee, Cllr Peter Davey said:
“The Essex Association of Local Councils is proud to have been asked to administer the grant scheme on behalf of Essex County Council. The Community Initiatives Fund provides vital funding for deserving organisations and their community projects, well-being initiatives and other important improvement schemes. The EALC has well-established links to many Essex organisations and is ideally positioned to triage applications, address the financial standing of applicants, create and administer the CIF funding panel and ensure funds are released in a timely manner to successful applicants. As Chairman of the CIF funding panel, I am honoured to be part of this important initiative.”
Meanwhile, Cllr Louise McKinlay, Deputy Leader of Essex County Council and cabinet member for Equality, Partnerships and Performance said:
“Essex County Council is pleased to support the Essex Community Initiatives Fund, as it aligns with our levelling-up priorities and plans… local groups and voluntary organisations are well placed to understand the needs and opportunities of their areas. So I would urge people to come forward to apply for funding for projects to boost and support their local community.”
How to apply?
Please read through the guidance notes carefully for the scheme’s eligibility and criteria details.
Essential documents
If you have any questions regarding this fund or would like to be added to the distribution list, then please contact our funding team on 01371 879722 or email them at [email protected]. If you would like to find out further details from Essex County Council, please click here .
The Essex Association wish to formally thank Essex County Council for the support provided to the EALC, Parish & Town Councils, villages and communities across Essex.

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

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