Essex Redundancy Pack

Posted on: April 9, 2021

In response to the economic pressure that has been brought about by the pandemic, The Children, Families and Mental Health Commissioning Team within ECC have recognised the need to support individuals that may be facing a redundancy situation and have been working with our partners to develop a high level, signposting digital pack that is designed to support those individuals and other organisations involved, around all the associated issues redundancy may bring.


The digital pack is full of useful local information and is designed to:

  • recognise the difficult position so many individuals and families are finding themselves in at the moment with employment being uncertain due to COVID
  • the importance at this time for people are take care of their emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • to help individuals understand what support there is locally including practical support around finances, training and finding new employment, as well as emotional wellbeing support.
  • be a ‘one stop shop’ that brings all information about all relevant local support together into one place, with the aim of making it easy to find and access support at the point it is needed.
  • be for use by anyone  – for those working with people across the job market, employers and individuals who are facing redundancy or who have been made redundant.


The Pack can be found on the Essex Opportunities Website at  and will also be shared via ECC social media pages.


Some of you have supported the development of the pack, and we would like to say thank you for valuable contributions and feedback, which has ensured that the information contained in the pack is the most appropriate and relevant in order for individuals to quickly access support if needed.


We hope that you find the pack useful within your roles and services, and as the experts, could we please ask that you forward the pack as widely as possible to any operational colleagues or partners or networks so that the pack can be shared and reached by anyone who may find it useful.  The pack will be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure the information remains as up to date as possible and the most current version will be available via the website as above.

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

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