Learn the skills to make positive change happen in The School for Change Agents – starting 15 November

Posted on: October 14, 2021

Would you like to develop the skills to make a difference and create change in health and care? There’s great news – The School for Change Agents is returning on 15 November!

The School offers anyone who works in health and care, at whatever level and whether they are clinical or non-clinical, the opportunity to take their desire to see change happen and make it a reality.

There are five interactive sessions to complete on FutureLearn:

  1. Change starts with me 
  2. Resourcefulness 
  3. Using power to make a difference 
  4. Using stories to create change
  5. Making sense of complexity

School is free to join, and to take part in. All you need is an internet connection.  The sessions are arranged into ‘bite-sized’ chunks so that you can complete them in your own time, and in your own way.  You can take part on a computer, tablet or mobile device.

Each session includes a range of articles and videos that feature people like you talking about their own experiences of creating change.

The lively community of fellow learners on FutureLearn (as well as on Twitter, and in the Facebook group) means that you not only gain a wealth of useful knowledge, you can also build your networks and learn from each other as you reflect on how you can use the skills you’ve gained to take action.

It’s another opportunity for anyone who missed joining School in May this year – this is a re-run of the same sessions.

Register here. 

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

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