Local Infrastructure Inclusion, Insight and Transformation Group

Posted on: August 10, 2021

The Steering Group are attending the Local Infrastructure Inclusion, Insight and Transformation Group, if you would like us to take any discussion points to the group on your behalf, please contact our Chairs Alison Wilson or Sarah Troop.


Virtual coffee meeting

As we continue on the journey of emerging from the COVID pandemic, to hopefully a world that starts to normalise a little, we wanted to take the opportunity to establish informal โ€œvirtual coffee catch-upโ€ sessions with our community partners.

Informal in nature, we really would like to see these catch-ups as opportunities to share with you whatโ€™s happening within the team, as a place for you to ask questions, to contribute your ideas, and also, as importantly. to let us know whatโ€™s happening in your worlds.

The Strengthening Communities Team works across Essex with the aim of addressing societal issues and challenges in collaboration with communities. To give a little insight into our work:

* We lead on activity that supports a variety of different sectors of our community, including those with Learning Disabilities and Autism and our military and veteran communities

* We lead on voluntary sector commissioning, e.g. our infrastructure partners, parish councils, Rural Community Council of Essex etc, with the aim of building resilience and connectivity in communities.

* We run a variety of community grant programmes e.g. Community initiatives Fund, Microgrants Programme and a number of COVID recovery grants programmes.

* We lead on community behaviour change programmes to address a variety of key societal issues including Climate Action, Dementia Action etc

* We lead a multi-partner Social Isolation programme for Essex that includes the United in Kind Programme

* We run a variety of digital communities of place, purpose and interest that engage with communities where they are, e.g. Essex Coronavirus Action, Essex is Supporting Working Parents, Never too Lat Mate, This is Your Life etc

* We deliver a variety of programmes that look at addressing health challenges in our community, including weight management, physical wellbeing and mental health through programmes such as mental health hubs

* Lead on collaborative transformational work such as the Future of Volunteering, including the introduction of Community Emergency Response Volunteers, and the development of Citizen led Communities and Parish Activation So loads to talk about and we hope lots that you will wish to engage with.

We have set these coffee catch-ups for Friday mornings starting on Friday 18th June 2021 and we really hope you can join us. We are keen to engage as many organisations as possible, so we would ask that you promote this opportunity and share the link to the meeting among your networks.

These sessions really are open to all those working to support communities and we hope they will provide a useful platform to continue collaborating for the benefit of the communities of Essex, we look forward to seeing you there. Kind regards The Strengthening Communities Team. ________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTg5MzYxZDgtMjBmZi00MzE2LTkxZTQtYjQwMjBhYzg0OTUw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22a8b4324f-155c-4215-a0f1-7ed8cc9a992f%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2209a6ce04-6ce5-4318-ba52-42ac1d7f9b1d%22%7d> Or call in (audio only) +44 20 3821 1622,,935247645#<tel:+442038211622,,935247645#> United Kingdom, London Phone Conference ID: 935 247 645# Find a local number<https://dialin.teams.microsoft.com/189c3b9c-6b09-41db-9d90-f97cd11537bd?id=935247645> | Reset PIN<https://mysettings.lync.com/pstnconferencing> Learn More<https://aka.ms/JoinTeamsMeeting> | Meeting options<https://teams.microsoft.com/meetingOptions/?organizerId=09a6ce04-6ce5-4318-ba52-42ac1d7f9b1d&tenantId=a8b4324f-155c-4215-a0f1-7ed8cc9a992f&threadId=19_meeting_OTg5MzYxZDgtMjBmZi00MzE2LTkxZTQtYjQwMjBhYzg0OTUw@thread.v2&messageId=0&language=en-US>

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

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