Low cost, no cost activities and offers – West Essex

Posted on: July 4, 2022

As the cost of living continues to rise, we all need a little extra help keeping our families entertained this summer.

This page provides information on the top offers and activities running throughout the summer holidays in west Essex.  All of the activities listed below are either free of charge, or low cost.

We will continue to update this page as new information comes through, so please visit regularly.

School holiday family activities 

West Essex (various locations)

Summer Fun Program – Join us for an action packed three days of fun, challenge, and games. Absolutely free to attend. We have created a three day programme of interaction and challenge.

After the three days, you have the opportunity to complete an optional two day/one night walking expedition, camping in the great outdoors! Taking place on 22nd and 23rd August 2022. This expedition will be recognised as the bronze DofE Award expedition.  All of the skills taught during the three days will ensure you are safe and able to complete the expedition element.

Visit Youth Service Website

Cost – Free

Who  Open to all 13-19 year olds
When – July to August (see website)

Where – Various throughout Essex

Summer Reading Challenge 

Visit Website

Cost – Free

Who  All primary and secondary aged children

When – 16th July to 3rd Septebmer 

Where – Various throughout Essex

Active Essex Holiday Clubs – These Summer clubs are funded by Essex County Council and Department For Education for primary and secondary aged children (5-16 year olds) who are eligible for benefits based free school meals, as well as those from low income working families who would benefit from this support.

Visit Active Essex Bookings Website

Cost – Free for low income families or those receiving free meals
Who – 5-16 years old
When – 25th July to 29th August

Where – Various throughout 

Waltham Abbey Fire Station Open Day – Come along to meet your local emergency services and have some fun!

See website for information.


Play in the Park – Now the days are getting warmer, why not go outside and enjoy it? We have outdoor fun and games, arts and crafts sorted for everyone and it’s totally FREE!

Many locations throughout Epping, see website for information.

Cost – Free 
Who – All
When – Various (see website)
Where – Various Epping (see website)

Disc Golf – Disc Golf is a great group activity and is just a stone’s throw from the centre in River Lee Country Park. Pick up your score card for £1 at reception and either bring your own frisbee or purchase discs from us.  River Lee Country Park, which is on the centre’s doorstep, is full of fun for the family but this is one of our favourite activities! Make your way around the nine hole course, as you attempt to throw your flying disc into the goal – see if you can make par!  See website for information.

Cost – From £1 
Who – All
When – Various (see website)
Where – Various Epping (see website)

Visit Redwings Ada Cole – Redwings Ada Cole is home to 80 horses, ponies and donkeys, including handsome Gelderlander Zippy, cheeky donkey Del Boy, lovely Shetland pony Tinkerbell and rock ‘n’ roll pony Elvis – not forgetting Redwings’ tiniest resident, Teeny Tucker!

See website for information.

Cost –  Free or small donation – Book tickets
Who – Everyone over 3 years old
When – 30, 31 July, 13, 14, 27, 28 August – 10.30am-2.30pm 

Where – Redwings, Broadlands, Epping Road, EN9 2DH

Toot Hill Country Show – The show offers a great afternoon out for all the family at the beginning of the summer holidays.

See website for information.

Cost –  Adults £4 Children £2
Who – All
When – Saturday 6 August – Midday to 5pm 

Where – Church Road, Stanford Rivers, Essex, CM5 9PW

Theydon Bois Donkey Derby – Check FaceBook for more information.

Cost –  Please see FaceBook

Who – All
When – Saturday 6 August – Midday to 5pm 

Where – The Green, Theydon Bois, CM16 7ES

Cost –  Free
Who – All
When – 2nd July – 10.30am to 4.00pm 

Where – Waltham Abbey Fire Station, EN9 1PA

Wildlife Photographer of the Year Fun Day – Join a day of wild activities at this special event!  Face painting in the museum garden (£5 for full face or £3.50 for a festival style design, no booking required.  Or get crafting and make your own paper wildlife creations £2.40 per drop in session.

See page 26 of the What’s On brochure for information.

Cost –  from £2.40
Who – Children all ages welcome
When – Saturday 30 July 10am to 3pm 

Where – Epping Forest District Museum, 39 Sun Street, Waltham Abbey EN9 1EL

Family Fun Day – Join us for another day of fun with activities in the garden and a puppet show from the wonderful Miraiker’s World of Puppets! All ages welcome. No need to book, just drop in during opening hours. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Puppet shows take place at 11:30am, 1:00pm and 3:00pm.

See website for information.

Cost –  Free
Who – All
When – Saturday 13 August 10am to 4pm 

Where – Epping Forest District Museum, 39 Sun Street, Waltham Abbey EN9 1EL

Family Fun Drop-Ins – Join us at the museum on Tuesdays during Essex school holidays for some family fun. Activities are most suitable for 5 to 11 years old, but all ages are welcome to come along. Cost £2.40 per child. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Activities are available between 10:30am and 3:30pm on the following dates. You only need to allow about 30 minutes to complete the activity. There’s no need to book, just drop in on the day.

See website for information.

Cost –  Free
Who – All
When – Various see website 

Where – Waltham Abbey Fire Station, EN9 1PA

Family Fun Day Ninefields – See website for information.

Cost –  Free
Who – Children 0 to 11 years old with parents
When – 4th August 10am to 2pm

Where – Hazelwood Delivery Site, Hillhouse Primary School, Ninefields, Waltham Abbey, EN9 3EL

Family SEND Day – See website for information.

Cost –  Free
Who – Children 0 to 11 years old (plus siblings) with parents
When – 18th August 10am to 2pm

Where – Hazelwood Delivery Site, Hillhouse Primary School, Ninefields, Waltham Abbey, EN9 3EL

Brambles Family Hub – Epping Forest District FaceBook page 

If you live in Epping, North weald, Theydon Bois, Thornwood you are not far from lots of fun activities for children. So come and meet other parents, carers and grandparents. Or for information about local services, childcare, 1 – 1 support and advice, pop in and we will be glad to help.

Click her for more information.



Cost – Free

Who  10 years and above

When – 8am to 10pm (floodlit) 

Where – Rear of Lord Butler Leisure Centre, Peaslands Road, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 3EG

Saffron Walden Mazes – Visit Website

Cost – Free

Who  All 

When – Throughout the summer 

Where – Saffron Walden Town Centre

Saffron Walden Museum – Summer holiday activities on Wednesdays in August – no additional fee  Visit Website

Cost – Free

Who  All

When – Wednesday to Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 2pm-5pm closed Monday

Where – Saffron Walden Museum, Museum Street, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 1BN

Great Dunmow Museum –  Visit Website

Cost – Free

Who  All

When – Weekends and bank holidays 10-4

Where – Great Dunmow Museum, Mill Lane, Dunmow, Essex, CM16 1BG

Ashdon Museum –  Visit website

Cost – Free 
Who – All

When – Sundays 2pm – 5pm

Where – Ashdon Village Museum, Church Hill, Ashdon, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 2HF

Summer Holiday Camp – A number of free places available to families receiving free school meals or low income families receiving working tax credits – to apply for a free place or for information about other places, please contact Neil on:

Tel: 07549 435 445

or email [email protected]

Cost – Free or £12.50 per day
Who – Primary School Age 5 to 12
When – 26 July to 25 August 2022 9.30-15.30 (free early drop off from 8.30am, extended hours to 5.30pm available)
Where – Herberts Farm, Saffron Walden

Motor Show – Free admission, but donations welcomed; show is in aid of local charity. Classic, vintage and performance cars, trucks & bikes, military vehicles, live music.

Organiser contact details: 07871 197915.

Or visit website

Cost – Free

Who – All

When – 14th August 2022 10am to 4pm

Where – Saffron Walden Common, Saffron Walden, CB10 1JH

Town Trail, WW2 Trail, Medieval Trail – Open all year round and free, simply download the free guides from the website

Cost – Free

Who – All

When – All year round

Where – Saffron Walden (see website)

Parks and green spaces in Saffron Walden 

For locations and information, visit website

Cost – Free

Who – All

When – All year

Where – Saffron Walden (see website)

The Fitch Way 

The Flitch Way runs for fifteen miles from Braintree station to Start Hill near Bishops Stortford and is an important greenway and wildlife corridor.  For most of the way it provides a safe traffic free environment for walkers, cyclists and horse riders and forms part of National Cycle Network Route 16.

Further information, visit website

Cost – Free

Who – All

When – All year

Where – Braintree Station (see website)

Spangles Family Hub – Uttlesford District FaceBook page 

On behalf of Essex County Council and the NHS, HCRG Care group and Barnardo’s provide a range of child and family services throughout Essex that are free at the point of delivery.  Click her for more information.


Pet’s Corner – Pets’ Corner is free to enter but welcomes donations in the box on site. You can feed some of the animals for 50p a bag, available from their Gift shop.

More information

Cost – Free entry

Who – All ages
When – April to October 11am to 4.45pm
Where – Town Park, Harlow CM20 2QG

Family wellbeing fun in the Park – Everybody welcome.  No booking necessary.  Children under 14 will need to be accompanied by an adult.  Come and sign in at the meeting point in Harlow Town Park near the bandstand.  Collect your free handout for the day’s activity.  Wander the beautiful town park with your family and friends completing the tasks as you go.  Return to the meeting point with the time allocation – prizes available. Trained staff will be at the bandstand to discuss basic mental health topics if needed.  For further enquiries please contact [email protected]

Cost – Free 
Who – Suitable for the whole family
When  Every Tuesday and Thursday from 28 July to 25 August 2022
Where – Harlow Town Park, Harlow CM20 2QG, near the bandstand 

Visit Harlow Museum and Walled Garden – Have fun finding out about Harlow’s past from Romans to the New Town. Younger children can borrow a magnifying glass or binoculars to get up close to the displays and our beautiful Walled Gardens.


Cost – Free 
Who – All
When – Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 9.30am to 3.30pm

Where – Muskham Rd, Harlow CM20 2LF

Gig in the Garden – A rock gig in the Harlow Museum’s Walled Gardens. Celebrating 75 years of music in Harlow. Starting with Harlow Rock School and showcasing a great line up of Harlow based bands through the evening.


Cost – see website for details
Who – Teenager and adults
When – Saturday 23rd July 2.30pm to 9.30pm

Where – Muskham Rd, Harlow CM20 2LF

Harlow 75 Community Celebration Fete – Come and celebrate 75 years of our great Harlow Community in Harlow Museum’s Walled Gardens. Over 20 community groups will be providing free activities and fun. Refreshments available for a charge. Music provided by Harlow Brass Band, Harlow Steel Band, Harlow Ukelele Group and more.


Cost – Free
Who – All
When – Sunday 24th July midday to 4pm

Where – Muskham Rd, Harlow CM20 2LF

Free Music based workshops in August – Music based workshops for families. No experience necessary. Watch our social media for topics, times and booking details. Parent / carer must accompany child.


Cost – Free
Who – Primary and secondary school aged children
When –  Every Tuesday throughout August

Where – Muskham Rd, Harlow CM20 2LF

Free craft workshops in August – Music based craft activities in the museum garden. 10am – 12pm and 1pm – 3pm. Watch our social media for further details. Drop in – no booking required. Parent / carer must accompany child.


Cost – Free
Who – Primary school aged children
When – Every Thursday throughout August

Where – Muskham Rd, Harlow CM20 2LF

Helping your child to be ready for school – Activities are for pre-school age children (starting school September 2022) and their families (younger and older siblings are welcome). All activities are FREE!

Booking for the below activities is essential please email [email protected]

Cost – Free 
Who – Pre-school age children (younger & older siblings welcome)
When – As shown
Where – As shown

Locations, dates, times and acvity as follows:

Harlow Museum, Muskham Road, CM20 2LF

Thursday 28 July – 11am to midday – Celebrating Play Jungle Theme – Outdoor activity

Thursday 28 July – 12.30pm to 1.30pm – Celebrating Play Jungle Theme – Outdoor activity

Thursday 18 August – 10am to 11.30am – The Gruffalo Theme, fun with letter sounds – Outdoor activity

Thursday 25 August – 10am to 11.30am – fun with colour and shape

Potter Street Baptist Church Hall Chapel Lane CM17 9AW

Friday 19 August- 1.30pm to 2.30pm – Fun with numbers – Indoor activity

Harlow Town Park Learning Centre

Wednesday 24 August- 10.30am to 12.30pm – The Hungry Caterpillar activities Online activities for you and your child

Wednesday 27 July – 10am to 10.40am – Online – school readiness activities for children and their families

Wednesday 17 August- 10am to 10.40am – Online – Dinosaur fun with numbers

Tree House Family Hub – Harlow District FaceBook page 

The Tree House Family Hub offers a range of free services, information & support to children, young people and their families.  Click her for more information.

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

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