Only one in 20 charity leaders are prioritising use of data

Posted on: September 14, 2021

A report into data maturity in the charity sector has found that only one in 20 organisations has leadership that is prioritising the use of data to support their organisation and mission.

It has also emerged that a fifth of charities are still at the “emerging stage” in their use of data, although a third are in more advanced stages of data development.

The findings have been published by consultancy Data Orchard and are based on 572 respondents from more than 200 charities.

Data Orchard found that “only one in twenty organisations has leadership that prioritises data as a vital resource and understands how to use it to improve what the organisation does”.

Just under two thirds (63%) of charities have warned that their “leadership is not convinced about the value of data”.

Only a small minority (3%) of charity leaders are using past, present and forward-looking data to use decision making.

Meanwhile 8% of charity workers said their leadership “don’t use data for decision making at all” and only 28% say they have people with data analytics expertise within their leadership.

In addition, only around a quarter (24%) say their leaders are investing enough in data resources, for example people, skills, training and tools.

Read more here. 

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

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