Violence & Vulnerability Community Safety (VVCS) Grant 2021-2023 is now open

Posted on: October 14, 2021

Vulnerability Community Safety (VVCS) Grant fund information:
As a partnership, our strategic goal is to reduce serious violence, the harm it causes, and to safeguard those at risk (relating to county lines, gangs and knife crime).  We recognise that local organisations and groups are at the forefront of some amazing work that takes place to address these issues and we would like to support this work further as much as we can.

Our 2021-2023 VVCS grant round is for local *’not for profit’ voluntary or community clubs or organisations based in (and therefore delivering in) Essex, Southend and Thurrock only, and we are looking to fund projects that meet our stated aims and can run from January 2022- 31st March 2023.

Groups can apply for up to £20,000 to deliver support and interventions for children, young people, young adults and families (families must include children and young people, young person is defined as up to the age of 25) that have a positive impact on issues relating to crime and anti-social behaviour, violence and vulnerability. This may include early intervention work, gang & ‘county lines’, and child criminal exploitation projects.

We would be particularly interested in projects that can evidence they are meeting needs as highlighted by young people and local residents in our Listening Project 2020-2021.

You can read the full report here Some examples of need highlighted in the report are-

  • Increased mental health support for young people at risk of serious violence
  • Indoor/ outdoor safe spaces with affordable & inclusive activities for young people to socialise
  • Opportunities for young people to learn life skills, participate in community based or volunteering projects and undertake work experience
  • Work with young people and their families to raise awareness of youth violence
  • Projects that promote greater communication and positive engagement between the police, youth groups and schools
  • Targeted youth work aimed at those young people most at risk of exploitation
  • Support for victims of youth violence

All applications must demonstrate how their project enables children & young people to-

  • Make positive choices that keep them safe
  • Raise self-esteem and confidence
  • Build resilience
  • Improve emotional and physical health and mental wellbeing

Timeline of grant process:

Applications open: 12th August 2021

Applications close: 29th October 2021 Completed applications to be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]

Due diligence checks and panel decisions will happen after the closing date.

Applicants made aware of grant decisions: End of November 2021

Funds to be with groups Start of January 2022

This fund has the potential for groups to make a real and positive difference in the lives of children & young people in Essex at risk of serious violence and we are excited to be able to work with not for profit groups in local communities to see the positive impact that this will have on our young people.

*PLEASE NOTE THAT: Your organisation MUST have a recognised constitution and be a- not for profit voluntary or community club or organisation, a registered Charity, A not for profit company or community interest company or other social enterprise. company limited by guarantee, charitable incorporated organisation or Registered society.

If you have any questions about this grant process, then please contact Rachel Brett [email protected], Kirsty Smith [email protected]  or Jim Pearson [email protected]

Download the application form VVCS grant application form 2021-2023

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

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